Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Eli - Sedna's not with me I don't know what to do" I panicked as I heard pain, groaning and screaming

"Where's Terrence?" I asked him

"He's rounding up the perimeter" Eli said as he rushed out I tried to connect with Terrence but failed to his wall were very high and I can't even feel him

"Please help us" one man said as I stood for a second standing my ground shocked at the moment

"Please" another man said

"Luna" Mike called for me

"Help me here kid - grab those morphine's on that shelf will you" as Mike rushed in to grab them and one by one filling them and handing it to me

I shot every man that is in there to ease the pain as I tend to the most who needed me most "I can't do this" standing back as this man was severely injured his heartbeat were low and I almost can't find any pulse of him

"I need Sedna here" feeling the tensed situation that I am in as I stood back again when two hands grabbed my shoulders making me jump and looked at to him

"Terrence" hugging him "It's alright babe - it's alright"

"What's happening? I need Sedna I cant do this on my own"

"She's on her way back but you need to help everyone as much as you can babe" he was looking at me waking me up back to reality

"What do I need to do?" he asked as I looked at him then to Mike

"Grab that machine and put it into his mouth" ordering Mike

"I need you to cut his shirt off" his clothes were very much intact it just means he didn't have the time to transform when he was attacked

"I need to cut in here and pull his rib out it splintered into his lungs" as I wiped the blood on his chest

"I need Sedna fast in here" I pleaded as he helped me

"Babe she's on her way there's nothing much we can do you have to help this man"

I took on the knife and cut on below his rib until such that I could rich the bone to my finger to dislodge it.

"Get that blue and yellow bag in here Terrence" as quickly as he could he took them and I have inserted IV's to his hand

"He'll be having an internal bleeding in no time I haven't done any surgery before" I looked at Terrence as I saw Sedna coming in to the door and I felt the pang of relief

"Quickly Sedna, he's lungs is punctured"

"I'll take this go and help the others you young man will be staying here with me" as she looked at Mike

I went rushing in helping the others as Terrence assisted me he never said a word he just did whatever that I tell him to

He wasn't very comfortable with what is happening - he always does look at the blood in my shirt in my hands and in my face

Eli showed up and looked at Terrence "Patrols around and Tara's tending the others" he said as he looked at Terrence like he needed to pull him away from here

"Go I can take care of this" as they both left


I was stitching up wounds when Sedna came "How's everything?" she asked

"What's happening Sedna?"

"I think I might not answer you Luna - I got no clue at all" as she helped me patched on the stitch

"Where's Mike?" I asked

"I sent him home - you did a very great job Luna - dislodging the rib was a fine choice you saved him"

"I need to learn more Sedna"

"And you will"

"How is that man in there?"

"Surviving" she answered as Terrence showed with an extra jacket

"Luna, you've done a lot in here - go take a rest I can take care of them now"

"Thank You Sedna" as I walked on to the sink to wash my bloody hand and Terrence went to check all of the wounded

I was wiping my hand when he came and opening the jacket for me as I slid on my arms

"Goodnight Sedna"

"Take a rest now young ones" she smiled as we walked out

I sighed walking out feeling my tired body as Terrence opened the car door for me put on my seat belt and drove home.

"Come on I'll carry you upstairs" as he held me in his arms and I leaned on my head on his chest as we headed upstairs

"Babe" I didn't answer

"I don't want you to sleep with all that bloodstains on you"

"I don't want to either" as I touched my feet on the ground

He followed me in the washroom and stood on the door "What?" I asked

"You were a rock star back there" he said

"What's going on?" I asked as I removed my shirt and threw them on the hamper Terrence handing me a new shirt

"Nothing to worry about they were travellers who happened to pass by our borders and got struck by Rogues I fear that we are being watched closely - so I want you to stay safe go have a run but not without me - you will not leave the pack perimeter without me nor go beyond those borders - do you understand?" he said in a low voice

"I promise" as I gave him a hug and jump on to his hips and then he walked me to the bed

He then sat on the bed and I was still wrapping my arms around his neck not wanting to let go

So he laid his back onto the bed and I was on top of him

"Why couldn't I get to you earlier?" I asked

"I was carried away by my wolf"

"Please don't do that again you scared me"

"I promise"


Scarlet fell asleep on me and I'm trying to figure how to fix her as I stood up weighing her head down on my hand as I lay her to bed and I saw how tired she was so I let her be I couldn't sleep thinking about this night.

Those travellers were attacked ruthless and without our patrol they'd all be dead it angers me how Rogue do there filthy works - I hated them and I hated them for a reason.

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