Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Terrence called for us" he said

"He's still not here - why don't you make yourself comfortable while he gets back" as I looked at him he was tall as Terrence same built and he's the kind of guy you don't want to piss

"Scarlet" offering my hand for a shake

"Max - Head Warrior of Vares Pack" he answered

"What?" I asked

"We were sent away for some business we wanted to make sure you'd know us before we come in so not to startle you"

"Well the party has already started" as the others went inside and he stayed

"Are you coming in?"

"Terrence - I wonder why he's late he never comes late" he said

"I assume you are our Luna"

"Yes I am" as he nodded

"I'm his cousin and we've been sent out for tracking some pack needed our help so he sent us away" as I heard Tara screaming his name

I left Max with Tara and went inside when this girl stopped me "Luna, can I talk to you?" with her teary eye

"Sure" as she led me outside

"He rejected me Luna" she said in despair giving her my hug

"You know what it's either you let it go that way or you go and let him see what he'll miss" I answered

"What do you mean?" she asked "It's too painful" she cried more

"We can show him what you really are"

"How?" she asked

"I'll set up Mike with you he's probably just younger than you and we can just make a scene and let's see how'll it go from there of course, if you want to - because honestly, I can't just go talk to him it'll even worsen the situations for you" I told her

"Let's do it" she said as she wiped her tears

"Just wait here I need to grab Mike here for yah" as I remove him from his peers

"What's going on Luna?" he asked

"I need your help"

"Her mate rejected her and we need your help to go and have the party with her - will you do that?"

"I might get killed" he said

"Just what I thought" as I thanked him and looked at the crowd but all I can see is Max hanging on the bar

"Hey" the lady and I went near him

"Oh please not hooking up Luna - not my line" he said

"Wait what? I didn't even tell you anything besides it's not hooking up we need your help"

"And what kind of help is that?" as she looked at Nadine behind me

"This is Nadine and she just got rejected by her mate and we need you to" not finishing my sentence Max spoke

"He what you?" he wanted Nadine repeat it

"Rejected me" Nadine answered wanting to cry again

"Show me" Max said as he took on Nadine's hand holding it tight

I followed them and Nadine pointed out the guy Max grabbed a drink and walk towards the crowd until such a point that they can be seen by that guy I went near not wanting to disrupt or anything I just wanna know what Max could be doing (I'm a nosy person I know)

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