Chapter 4: Her Own Suit

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It's been a few weeks since I started at Stark industries. I have been really busy on working on my own suit. I found some blueprints that my dad made of his suit. I made mine with a bunch of new upgrades.

'almost done' I thought as I finished soldering together the last of the pieces. 

Just as I finish Uncle Bruce came in. He has been helping me with the suit.

"Hi Uncle Bruce, how are you," I asked.

"Good morning Morgan, I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good, I just finished the suit and was about to take it on a test run want to come"


Uncle Bruce and I went to the training field outside to test it out. I pressed my watch and my suit slowly came out. I used nanotech like my dad's last suit. The design is really similar to my dad's suit but it is purple and silver instead of red and gold. I started to fly in the air and Uncle Bruce turned on the targets. I shot each one. As I fly down Uncle Bruce and mom came up to me.

"That was awesome Morgan, you are truly your father's daughter. I know that he would be really proud of you." Uncle Bruce said.

"Yes, your dad would be so proud of you. Good job sweetie." mom said.

"Thank you!! I'm so excited because this means that I can start being a hero with the rest of you. I got to go call peter"

I leave and go back to my office. I texted Peter to come up because he also works as an engineer at Stark Industries.

When Peter came in I was still in my suit and he was in awe.

" You did it Morgan!!! I am so happy for you," he yelled excitedly.

" Thank you!" I replied.

"So what's next, " he asked.

" That's actually the other reason I asked you here," I said.

To be continued...

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