Chapter 3

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            The trip to those eastward mountains was surprisingly quick, considering the terrain. That Sheriff's guide was reluctant at first to take on the Wanders, but agreed when talk of payment sprouted up. Apparently most in this town were hard on money due to the mansnatch scaring off all their traders. It was an unfortunate reality these people lived in, and all the more reason to band together with such a hefty reward.

Once an agreement was ironed out, the guide Olish set off with the Wanders' wagon following closely behind. Olish was a middle-aged gnome with large ears and a lean build that only came to Dante and Abeline in height. In spite of his size, this guide appeared hard enough to last years alone in the wild, let alone a few excursions into local woodlands. He rode a pony that looked like it had seen better years, taking care to pace it along the foothill roads that even Tubby had a time with.

Eventually they came to the end of those roads. The setting sun was a fiery orange near the horizon behind them while a sharp stone rise lay ahead. Immediately reflecting the sunlight were two natural walls hundreds of feet high separated by a deep split a few miles across. This split came straight down and almost seemed to cleanly cut that mountain in two. As beautiful a sight as it may have been to the common onlooker, a vague sense of foreboding came over the Wanders when they approached, as if they were drifting into the maw of some unseen beast.

Olish looked back at them with a cleanly shaven frown. "We'll stop by my cabin first. That way you'll have a spot to leave from when you come to your senses."

Gomer held a tentative smile as he surveyed the area. "Sounds fine. All goes well, we'll be in and out in no time."

A glazed expression grew over Olish's face, as if he'd heard that before. He sped his pony in an off direction, presumably toward his cabin, and vanished into a thick of trees. Tubby had a bit slower time maneuvering the bulky wagon through that grove, but after a few minor mishaps the Wanders came to a cozy little shack with a chimney and porch.

The first genuine smile today came over Gomer's face, and he hopped off the wagon while Tubby shrugged off his harness. Gomer swung the wagon door wide to see four of the five bunks occupied. The kids were asleep while Ma was busy regaling Ciela with a familiar story.

"Lord Burlington wasn't any mere knight or squire! He was a lord! That's why he always wore long undergarments, so thieves couldn't steal his lordly-"

"Oh thank the gods," Ciela immediately noticed Gomer, "We're here? I'm dying to stretch my legs!"

She skipped out of the wagon by the strolling Gomer while Ma continued that conversation with just as much fervor by herself. A few paces toward the cabin, and Gomer leaned back with a grin, "So what were you two talkin' about?"
"Shiv, I got no idea," chuckled Ciela, "Part of me's happy about that too."

Olish dismounted with a gruff grunt before rounding the cabin. He didn't even look at the Wanders when he reached the door. "You can stock up in the cabin, but don't linger too long outside. It isn't safe after dark."

"We're not safe after dark," smirked Ciela as they followed the gnome into his cabin.

As small as it was on the outside, this cabin was positively cramped inside. The walls had to be at least a foot thick, with only a few sleeping mats near the side and a table in the center by a wood stove. A small glass window hung open to allow a flow of cool nighttime air. The only real light here came from an oil lantern hanging like a chandelier from the ceiling.

Sitting at that table was a young elf woman eating a bowl of wild stew. She was quaint in demeanor with bright red hair and glassy eyes. Several old scars marked her arms, neck and face, though she didn't seem a fighter in the least. In fact, she let out a peep when the door opened. At first she was pursed with round eyes, but seemed to relax a mite when Olish drew a wave.

The Wanders 2: The MansnatchWhere stories live. Discover now