Part 13: Good Night

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"Ney?" I asked my eyes barely open "What do you mean?"

"We're going out, just you... and me alone." He said pulling my out of bed and into his arms.

"So, go get dressed linda." 

I walked away and stepped into my room looking for the closet, I had just the dress in mind. I pulled out a dark blue dress with a HIGH slit, when I walked it showed just enough of my thigh to tease Ney. I walked out and greeted him after putting on some gold jewelry and makeup.

As I walked  Neymar didn't even say anything, I just say him bite his lip looking at my legs and ass.

"Neymar!" I semi yelled.

"Mmhm?" He said not bothering to look up at me.


He finally looked up and walked closer to me, grabbing my neck with one hand on my chin and the other on my waist. 

"You look, perfect." He whispered breathily into my ear. My body still got hot under his touch, as if I hadn't felt it a billion times, I love it. I put both of my hands on the back of his neck, and looked him in the eyes.

"You look better." I said scanning his body in the matching navy suit and biting the corner of my lip.

"Let's go linda, I've got a special night planned for you." He said with a smile.

We walked down the stairs and out of the house, getting into his car and him driving off.

"Close your eyes." He said.

I closed my eyes and soon felt the car stop after maybe 10 more minutes. He grabbed my hand and walked me into a warm building and into what I assumed to be an elevator. He walked me out of the elevator and into another room.


"Wow." I whispered in shock.

The room was covered in rose petals; on the floor, walls, everywhere. There was a man playing a white piano in the corner and dim fairy lights lit the room. A small table was in the middle of the room with candles and champagne on the table underneath its white table cloth.

"D- Do you like it?" He said staring into my eyes before I jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"It's perfect querido."

He grabbed my hand and pulled out my chair for me, then sitting in his. The a waiter immediately came out to bring us steaks and pour our champagne. After he left I wanted to get a conversation going.

"Now you have to tell me about yourself." I said smirking.


"I told you all about me on the roof, now I want to hear about you."

"I was born in Brazil, and learned to love football young as I grew up very poor..." 

[After him telling me about him]

"But I have one question... what happened the night we met? That's the only thing you didn't explain to me."

I held both his hands in mine, and looked at him.

"I- I um" I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"You don't have to tell me Y/n I love you no matter what."

"No, I need to tell you." I said pulling myself together.

"I had recently gotten fired and evicted and needed somewhere to stay for free. I called up my old work friend Jay and he let me stay at his. The night I arrived he was drunk and I tried to leave but he insisted on me staying, he tried to pull of my bra and I was scared of what could happen after. I ran to the bathroom and escaped. Then I found you."

"Thank god you found me." He said with a warm smile.

Then we walked to a balcony with a view of the quiet streets and the glowing moon. We stood in silence, but not empty silence, the kind when you don't need to talk to be completely comfortable. 

He held my hand in his and we basked in the view below us.

"I've never done something like this for anyone you know." He stated

"What do you mean."

"I've never listened to someone so intently, about there favorite flower, meal, color and made it into one date."

"But, you're special." He continued

"I've met nobody that complements me so perfectly, that isn't fame fed and bitchy."

"And I've never met someone so down to earth and caring, especially as a celebrity."

*Neymar POV*

She said pulling my tie to bring me down. How could she be so hot yet romantic in one sentence? 

It was such a turn on to see her like this, falling even deeper for me yet pulling me to her at the same time.

"Cat got your tongue?" She said smirking

"No, but I have yours." I said pulling her into a kiss, I kept it gentle although it took all of the strength in my body not to fulfill my thirst for her taste. I pulled away before it escalated and waited for another comment.

"Wanna go home?" I said smiling.

"Y- Yeah lets um go."

I drove her home and we sat on the couch, and I went on my phone Y/n dong the same. Soon she fell asleep and I carried her upstairs and changed her clothes, washed her face, and brushed her teeth (as well doing that to me) than put her in my bed and joined her.

"Goodnight amo." I whispered.

sorry for being gone for a little while this story is almost over so I am going to start writing another one again!

This story has been really fun to make and thx sm to all the people who read it while I am still posting parts and to people in the future reading this.

Bye Lovelies

Love Ya❤️

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