Wattpad Books Vs Trad-Pubbed Books

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Happy New Year everyone! In line with the start of 2023, our theme this month is focused on hopes and dreams, specifically for books. Let's hear from some of our members!


Question posted on Jan 7, 2023:

In your opinion, do wattpad books provide readers with false (or unattainable) expectations more so than traditionally published novels? 

*note, all answers are slightly modified for grammar and structure*

Winning answer by ToWolfKin:

From what I understand of the question, yes, Wattpad books in the terms of storyline/plot present differently and even fall short from traditional books.

Wattpad books, in their nature, are changeable. They are easily edited, shifted, and expanded or cut on the author's whim. Unfortunately, they are also quite likely to be unfinished. Therefore, readers approach with cautious feet, guard up and expectations a vague mist; they hope for a good read, but it can easily be disappointed, unfinished, or absolutely not what they expected the story to be from what the blurb promised, so they keep their guard up.

Traditional books, on the other hand, are not changeable. They are finished works that have been (or should have been) carefully edited, revised, and been through the fire of beta readers, publishers, and editors. This leads readers to come in with the expectation of a) a finished work, b) a cohesive, readable storyline, c) well edited, d) enjoyable, and e) what the blurb promised the book will be.

In conclusion, Wattpad books present changeability, leading readers to enter cautiously. Traditional books present as much more solid, unchangeable reads, leading readers to enter with more security.

1st runner-up by Siberiathewriter:

From what I've seen, most readers have a lower standard for free books written authors who aren't professionals (or expect Wattpad books to mimic a popular trope/character/plot and don't care much for originality). Some even read with the expectation that the book will be poorly written or outrageous and want to "see how bad it gets". In that sense, it's much easier to meet or surpass their expectations. Paid books (or books by popular Wattpad authors) are probably different though, because people want their money's worth or for it to be better than another work by that author, even though it still isn't "traditionally published". 


And that's all! Thank you to everyone who participated in this round's discussion questions, and congratulations to the winners! Feel free to leave any additional thoughts in the comments.

See you next round, debaters!

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