The Crash

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Marie smiled, boarding her plane. As she took a seat, she looked out a window; beautiful stars were twinkling in the sky. Everything seemed perfect.

As the plane took off, Marie looked at the man seated besidse her. He smiled at the young woman and turned back to his front-facing position. She sighed and leaned on the headrest. This is going to be a long ride. She thought before falling asleep.

The young lady had a wrench in her hand, the item covered in blood. She was breathing heavily, small puffs of steam coming from her breath. The coldness of the icy room was nipping at her. A male, no older than thirty-five approached the woman. He held his hand out, beckoning for her to follow him. She obeyed this command and followed him. After a bit of walking, the man whirled around, gun in hand. The woman had no time to react before the weapon fired, a bullet piercing her stomach.

Marie gasped, jolting awake from her nightmare. She looked out the plane's window and her breathing calmed down. She watched the stars, flickering like a candle's flame. The woman smiled to herself, thinking about her destination. Moscow, Russia. A place for a new start. Her thoughts wandered to her family, and tears stung her eyes. She wiped her eyes before falling back asleep.

She awoke to a large jolt, her plane's nose dipping down. Letting out a gasp, she dug her nails into her seat. The plane dived into the water and Marie struggled to get to the surface.

Kicking frantically, she finally came up and gulped in large ammounts of air. Shakily breathing as the frigid water's coldness bit at her skin. She swam quickly and swiftly toward a large lighthouse. As she dragged herself onto the steps, she let out a loud sob. Exhaustion getting the best of her, she lied on the lighthouse's steps.

After a bit of the cold eating at her, she got up and walked into the lighthouse. A bright light flashed on a monument. Marie looked at the monument's plate, an inscribed quote on the gold. No gods or kings, only man- Andrew Ryan. She glanced at the threatening monument before walking down some steps. They lead to a spherical submarine. A bathysphere.. What's this doing here? The woman thought to herself. She walked into the submarine and pulled the lever.

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