Chapter 1: Family Reunion

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May 1, 2018


"Fuck alarm clocks" I mutter as I hit my snooze button. Time to go to work I guess. If I have to.

I throw myself out of bed and sludge my way to my closet. After getting ready I take a small look at my tattoo as I put on my jacket. 7 years and still nothing. I'd never really taken the time to show someone my tattoo up close, except for my closest friends. But they either had soulmates already (like James and Teddy, who discovered they had matching tattoos four years ago) or had a different tattoo and hadn't met their soulmate yet (like Melody, who has a paintbrush on her arm). I wonder if I'll ever meet my person. Even though I was hesitant at first, now I was just plain curious if they even existed at all. I shrugged and pulled on my jacket and walked out the door.

I've been working at the local bookstore for about 5 years now, and I love it here. All of my best friends work here with me, and at this point we essentially run the shop. The owner is kind of old and is retiring soon and she's leaving the shop to the four of us.

As I walk in the door, I'm greeted with the familiar smell of old books and ink. Melody waves at me from the counter in the back. She looks like she's rereading Pride and Prejudice again. She loves old school romance books. I think she hopes to have something like that with someone eventually. 

"Hey Rosie" I heard from the other side of the store

I turn to see James and Teddy standing there holding a stack of books each, probably a new shipment. I should probably help them out.

"Hey guys" I grab a stack of my own and start walking towards the biography section. The book on top catches my interest, a book about famous classical musicians. Since I got my tattoo, I began taking an interest in more music, and I'd really found more of an appreciation for classical music. Even though I played the cello a little bit, I'd never really paid attention to the people behind the music I played. 

All of the sudden, I heard the bell ring and turned around. In the doorway was a tall man, wearing a face mask. That is kind of odd. Normally people in Michigan don't wear masks in public. I don't recognize this guy either. I guess I'll go up and ask if he needs help. 

"Hello sir, may I help you find anything?" 

"Yeah I'm looking for you" He looked up and took off his mask and I realized that it was my cousin from South Korea. I haven't seen him in like 7 years. I don't even know what he's been up to.

"Joon what the hell! I didn't recognize you. What are you doing here?" 

Namjoon laughed a little bit. 

"Well, I don't think anyone told you, but my mom wants you to come home and visit, so she sent me to come and ask if you wanted to come and visit Seoul with me? I'd also like you to meet my friends."

"Wait, you're offering to just fly me to Seoul? What about my job?"

"You can take a few weeks off, we can handle the shop" Melody said as she came out from the back room. She set her book down and came over to me. "Who is this?"

"Melody, this is my cousin Namjoon. Namjoon, this is my friend Melody" Melody reaches out her hand tentatively, and Namjoon takes it in a handshake. Then they both pull their hands back in alarm. 

"What the hell was that?" James calls as he and Teddy walk over

Joon and Melody look at each other in a mix of awe and alarm. As they continue to stare at each other, realization sets in. They both break their gaze and roll up their sleeves to see their tattoos glowing. Both blue and purple luminescent paint brushes on their skin vibrant with the light of love and life. Joon had never told me what his tattoo was, seeing as I think he just assumed that his soulmate was in Korea, or anywhere else but here. I suppose he was wrong. 

"Well, I guess I should probably extend the trip invite, considering we probably want to get to know each other." 

Me and Melody looked at each other, and we both silently realized that both our lives were about to change forever, even if both of us didn't know how yet.  

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