Chapter One

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This takes place after Harry had his yelling fit at Grimmuald Place.

Harry followed behind Hermione, who was being led by Fred and George, who claimed they had a way to spy on a meeting currently happening in Grimmuald Place, which was headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix. Harry tried not to look too closely at the butchered house elf heads lining the wall as he descended. He wondered if the witch or wizard living (lived? he asked himself) here was into dark magic.

George and Fred stopped at the railing on the second floor in front of the staircase, searching for something in their pockets. Harry could hear voices, however too quiet to understand what they were saying, let alone who.

"Found it!" George whispered to his twin before turning to Harry and showing him. It was a long piece of string coiled up with an ear on either end. He hoped it wasn't real.

"What is it?" Harry asked, reaching his hand out to touch it. It was surprisingly smooth.

"This, ickle Harrykins-"

"Is our invention-"

"Called Extendable Ears!" They both finished with an overdramatic flourish with their hands.

"It's our way-"

"To overhear some of the-"

"Conversations going on inside this house," Fred finished.

"It does work," Ginny whispered to Harry after seeing his skeptical expression.

He remained skeptical, but knowing Fred and George, they probably did find a way to make it work. Harry watched as they lowered one of the ears-the string was much longer than it looked-and saw it angle itself towards the shut door. Suddenly two voices were discernible: the ever-calm tone of Professor Dumbledore and the slightly shaking yet angry voice of Mrs. Figg, his neighbor.

"...and I know what it looks like as well, so don't you tell me that-"

"Mrs. Figg, I know that coming in contact with dementors-even brief-can cause muggles to see things that aren't really there an-"

The sound of a loud thump brought Dumbledore's voice to silence. "Well, I'm not a muggle. I'm a squib! So I can ruddy well know when I'm being delusional, and when I know what I've seen!"

"Who is that?" Hermione whispered.

"That's Mrs. Figg. She's my neighbor just down the street." Harry answered, lifting his eyes to meet hers before returning them to the ear. "I've never heard her sound that angry before." The other five exchanged worried glances before turning back to the Extendable Ear.

"Well I think the boy's old enough to know! He ought to learn to control this thing before it gets out and hurts others!"

This time all six exchanged nervous looks. What could Harry possibly possess that would hurt others? They all knew that Harry would never dare hurt anyone he cares about.

"I must agree with Dumbledore on this one Arabella," Harry heard Professor Lupin say. "He would have died five years ago if it was real."

"Well if you're so sure it's not real, then there should be no harm in telling the boy. Harry should know about this danger anyway! Why aren't they taught at Hogwarts?" Harry imagined her shooting this question to Professor Dumbledore.

"They have long been extinct-"

"OBSCURIALS ARE NOT A SPECIES THEY CAN'T GO EXTINCT." There was no need for Extendable Ears for that. Harry was sure several birds took flight outside.

"What're ob-scur-what-sits?" Harry said, pausing before looking up at the lack of response. Ron had gone deathly pale (like Cedric... don't think about Cedric), Hermione had covered her mouth with her hands, and Ginny, Fred, and George were all staring at Harry like he had just announced that he was really Voldemort.

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