Chapter Five

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When the spinning stopped, Harry realized that he had landed in his room. Hearing a chattering on his desk, Harry turned and saw Hedwig looking at him in annoyance. He took this chance to glance out the window and saw both cars gone.

After that momentary flash of panic faded, he immediately grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote:

Ron and Hermione,

I lost the hearing. Dumbledore never showed. Don't worry, I spoke to Sirius about my life, and there's a plan set for next week. It may be best if you don't mention it. I don't think you're supposed to know.


He knew he was lying and a large lie at that. He folded the latter, tied it to Hedwig's leg, and watched her disappear into the sky. She was a fast bird. Hopefully, she would make it to them before they decided to turn him in. Besides, he needs all the time he can get to figure out his next plan.

There were two options: he could stay here or run away. Staying meant pain, but it also meant that he could be much less of a burden to the order and their mission. Running away meant that he could die (if he so wanted), and no one could stop him, but it also meant that he was fair game for any waiting death eaters.

He surprised himself by turning and grabbing his magic bag, one Hermione had gifted him for his birthday. It was supposed to be able to carry more than it looked without getting too heavy. Inside, he stuffed his clothes, the Marauders Map, the photo album the Hagrid gave him back in his first year, his cloak, and a few books that may be helpful.

Just as he was coming down the stairs to sneak some food, he heard twin doors slamming shut, and a split second later, the door opened to a confused, then furious Vernon.



One severe beating later, Harry limped up the stairs, collapsed on his bed, and proceeded to bleed to death. But a few hours later, all Harry was was sore and sticky, and he decided that maybe this wasn't the best way to go out. He got out of bed and, quietly, went across the hall to wipe away the blood, flinching as he came across open wounds.

He went back to bed, falling into a restless sleep.


"Are you sure we shouldn't tell someone?"

"Harry said that there's already a plan set in motion. We don't need to question it."

Ron wasn't questioning the effectiveness of the plan; he was concerned that there wasn't one.

"Yeah, come on, Ron. Mum would boil us alive if we jeopardized it, and according to Harry, simply knowing is bad enough."

"Mum would boil you two alive if she knew that you were able to save some of those Extendable Ears."

"Bah, those barely work anymore. Someone put a very disrupting charm on the door."

"We are not pleased with whoever came up with this idea."

"Or this charm."


Harry woke up the next day, already tired for what's to come, and made the decision that he should leave at midnight, provided he didn't die first.

Throughout the day, Harry did whatever his aunt wanted: he served breakfast, did the dishes, moped the kitchen and dining room, vacuumed the living room, pruned up the garden despite the heat, got the mail, made dinner, served dinner, ate nothing all day, but there was nothing to complain about. Vernon had a good day at work and was expecting a large bonus, Dudley claimed he went to the store and got a bunch of candy half-off (Harry expected that he really shook down some kid as they left the store), and there were short lines everywhere as Petunia ran her errands.

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