Two: Stranger from the Mall

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The mall was crowded for a Wednesday but not nearly as bad as it would be on a Sunday. Almost immediately after stepping inside the mall, the group was greeted with a gentle collision of noise made up of assorted conversations emitting from almost every direction alongside a view of multiple people scattered around the building. Mina led the boys, walking a few steps ahead while they followed in her wake. She looked like someone on a mission, with her chin held high and a confident, maybe even smug, smirk on her face. And in a way, she was on a little quest of her own.

On their way to the mall, Katsuki had explained why he'd gotten grounded and the whole job situation, including the minor detail that he'd be meeting the owner of the whatever on Saturday. As soon as he'd mentioned it, Mina made it her duty to buy him some "decent-looking clothes," as she put it.

"My clothes are awesome, fuck you!" Katsuki snapped after the pink-haired girl insulted his taste in clothes back on the bus.

"Katsuki, you wear all black, and your shirts either have skulls, a band name, or something completely indecipherable. Not to mention you wear torn jeans like your life depends on it! You'd think the son of Japan's well-known fashion designers would have better fashion sense, but alas..." Mina sighed.

"Fuck you twice!"

After going back and forth, Katsuki eventually gave in and accepted her offer—or, more accurately, demand—to find a few outfits for him. After all, maybe she was right. The job might not have been his choice, but if he made a good impression and worked there until he graduated, maybe he could make good use of the money and leave. Not the city but his mother's house. Living with her wasn't exactly the most enjoyable thing, as much as he loved his mom. Finding a place of his own once he was out of high school sounded nice—promising, even.

Bakugou blinked, returning himself from his thoughts, and glanced at Ashido. Her back was faced toward him, but even then, Katsuki could see the purpose with every step she took. It amazed Katsuki how even in her school uniform, Mina still managed to look as though a million spotlights shone on her and her alone. She had a glow to her, the kind that made her stand out and seem relevant or significant. Maybe it was her vibrant pink curly hair or her flawless honey-brown skin, or simply how she walked. Whatever it was, she made it look good.

Even though Katsuki thought the pink hair was a little extra.

"Where are we going first? I told my mom I'd buy her some hair products she needed while I was here," Denki spoke up, his eyes searching through the windows of nearby shops. Mina turned her body to face the boys with an excited grin, all while not missing a step. There was a skip in her backward walk.

"Well, I was thinking we'd go eat first since the coffee made me hungry and then look at some shoes. I'm sure the beauty place will come along eventually, it's usually near the shoe brands anyway," Mina answered before turning around and continuing to lead.

"Alright, works for me," Denki murmured, looking ahead. "I just don't want to forget,"

"Don't worry, man, I'll remember for you! Just tell me what you need," Kirishima offered, his hand lifting to squeeze and shake Kaminari's shoulder.

Denki smiled up at the redhead. "Thanks! She said she needed..."

Katsuki turned away from the two and drowned out their voices, allowing his eyes to take a better look at his surroundings. It'd been a while since he'd been at the mall. So long that he'd forgotten what it was like to be in one. He hardly recalled the way the ample space made the building feel a little colder or the humming of multiple conversations at once softly occupying his ears, like comforting background noise. Oftentimes, he bought his stuff online. It made things more accessible and convenient while saving him from being confronted by others who recognized him as Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou's son. Albeit, he'd admit that he missed the feeling of being in a mall and that it was nice to be in one again. Even if it was with his stupid friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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