The Babysitter

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Lisa's Pov

I spent most nights of my senior year in high school babysitting. It was my parent's fault, really. Apparently having a real job would affect my grades too much, so I was stuck earning my money by spending my nights in various houses, feeding Kraft Dinner and hot dogs to hyper-active kids while their parents took a night off.

It wasn't terrible, by any means. In fact, I took it quite seriously. I don't mind children, and at most places I had full access to the fridge while I finished off my homework after putting the kids to bed. The pay wasn't bad, either. I liked to play games with the kids and most of the time, the kids asked for me back before their parents did. I had a pretty steady clientele, most within walking distance of my house. It was convenient for me -- I had procrastinated getting my driver's license so long that I was 18 and still only had my learner's license.

It was late February when Ms. Kim called the first time. I gave my cell phone number out to my clients, and she was lucky enough to call me on one of my nights off. I was in the bathtub when I answered.


"My name is Jennie Kim. I'm looking for Lisa Manobal ," replied the person on the other end. I immediately liked her voice. It wasn't too deep, but it was soft and smooth. I was almost tempted to consider it calming, but she sounded slightly stressed.

"You've reached her," I said.

"Oh, hi Lisa. I'm a friend of the Kwon's, and they recommended you as a babysitter. I've got a few late meetings next Friday, and my regular sitter isn't available. I was wondering if you'd be available to watch my son."

I shifted in the tub, hoping she didn't hear the water splash. "I usually take Friday nights off, but it sounds like you could use the help."

"I really could," she said. "I'm afraid I can't offer you more than your regular rate or anything..."

"It's fine," I interrupted. "I don't mind, ma'am, really. I'd love to babysit for your son."

"Thank you so much," she said, sounding thoroughly relieved. "His name is Kyle, and he's three. I would need you from around five until pretty late."

"Not a problem," I said. I got the rest of the details from her, and made a note of her address. She lived on the other side of town, but I was sure my mom would be okay with driving me.

Friday came along and I went home after school. I had worn a cute skirt to school and debated on wearing it to the Kim's, but decided against it -- three year olds could be really active and I didn't want to deal with the skirt. Instead I put on my favourite pair of jeans, dark blue and fitting snugly, with a tight blue scoop neck t-shirt. I never tried to dress provocatively when I went to babysit, but I did try to look fairly nice. I rarely got to go out with friends or boys, because I always seemed to be taking care of someone else's kids. Usually I was alright with it -- not dating just meant I didn't have to deal with all the drama my friends did, and there were very few guys I knew that I was really interested in, anyway.

I knew there was a reason for it. I would never tell any of my friends, but I found a lot of the men I babysat for much more appealing than any guy my age. I babysat for a lot of babies and toddlers, so their parents tended to be either late twenties or early thirties -- not that much older than me, at any rate. A lot of the men and women were good-looking, and more than once I found my mind fixed on one of them while I got off before falling asleep.

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