chapter one

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When people look at me they don't see me as a person but as a lost pup.

I am not lost. I know exactly who I am. But will anybody ever stop looking at me with that stupid sympathetic look. I don't need there pity or there pep talks. I need the one thing I can't have. My parents. It's been three months two weeks and five days since they died.  I am all ready so sick and tired of all the I'm sorry's and are you okay?

What do you think. My parent just died leaving me to take care of my little brother. He's not so little but he is younger than me. Which makes me responsible for him. I am only 17 years old. My parents rant supposed to die yet. They were supposed to live to be old and see my wedding and my graduation. It's not fair. But the one thing I've learned is. Life isn't fair.

"Miss jade care to come back to earth and pay attention to the lesson?" Mr. Rogers asked raising his eyebrows questioning me with his eyes.

"Yes I'm sorry.  What was the question?"

"Who wrote the path not taken?"

"Robert frost."

"Thank you for participating.  And welcome back talen." He said it like he was genuinely glad I was back. But it was all an act. I have been through so many people giving me that face.  So I know he might mean it but I don't care. 

He goes on with his lesson and after a really long and strung out period the bell finally makes that annoying but glorious sound dismissing us. I gather everything up and get out as fast as I can heading to my locker. Avoiding all eyes and people trying to talk to me. All of a sudden I'm dropping all of my stuff on the floor because some jackass bumped into me. I bend down and grab my stuff when I here,

"Hey! Watch where your going next time! Hello. Anybody there. Guess she's a mute." He says very loudly. Loudly enough for people to start looking. That's when somebody decides to yell out, "Dude stop being an ass her parents just died!"

"No! She doesn't get a free pass for bumping into me just because her parents died. She's not the only one dealing with shit so why give her special treatment?!" I can't believe either of them. One I'm pissed at him because he's a horrible person and mad at the other guy for just shouting that parents are dead.

"I'm so glad you thought to defend me but I can take care of myself! And seriously just yell it to the whole world that I lost my mom and dad! And you who do think you are making me drop all of my stuff and acting like it was all my fault. News flash you are not perfect. And honestly get your head out of your ass it's not a damn hat!" And with all that off my chest I went to walk away when I get pushed against a locker.

"What did you say?" He has nerves doing that.

"I'm pretty sure your not deaf so I'm thinking you heard what I said."  I kept my voice calm and then add in a cold detached voice, "Now get the fuck off me."

"What are you going to do if I don't get off?" He is challenging me? Really is this guy stupid?

"This," that's when I twisted his wrist flipped him and pressed my foot to his throat. All in about five seconds.

Slowly lifting my foot I bent down next to him

"Don't ever touch me again or next time I won't go as easy on you." With that I picked up my books and walked away.

It was lunch time finally and all everybody is talking about is how I completely took that kid down. I guess he's new. I think I heard his name was Damon? What ever I don't care. I don't want anything to do with him. I never want to see him again. He is such a jerk. I don't know who he is and I don't want to.  I just can't believe what he did. Acting all high and mighty. I'm so much happier that I knocked him down a few pegs he deserved it. I dint eat lunch because I'm not hungry and without something to focus on I start to think about that day.

"Hey dad I'm going out!" I shout from the front door.

"Okay. Be careful and call if you need anything ok?"

"Yeah. Promise. Ill be home soon, i love you daddy."

I walk to my car I was going to a party with my best friend Bonnie. What I didn't know was that, that night was the last time I would see my parents alive. -Snap snap-

I was so deep in thought that I hadn't noticed someone was trying to get my attention. It took me a minute to realize who it was. But when I did I got up and started to walk away.

"Hey! Wait up. I need to talk to you."

"You actually think I care or remotely want to hear anything you have to say?" I snapped with more than a hint of rudeness hoping he would get the point and leave me alone.

"Who do you think you are? Waltzing in here like you own the place. Not to mention you think you can get away with what you did earlier."

"I think you are a spoiled little brat that likes acting like a bad boy. Sleeping around not caring at all about anybody but yourself. Pretending to be a player. And you have a huge ego. And I am sooo glade I took you down because it hurt your pride. But your also pretty stupid to come up to me after I thought I made it very clear that i didn't want to talk to you or even be around you. Sorry if you thought you could fix things and get me in bed!"

"God! Your a bitch!"

"I'm a bitch!?"


"Go away. Can't you take a hint?"

"Fine whatever but trust me mute this is not over. Far from it."

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