chapter three

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The next day I'm bombarded by glares from every girl in school. All hating me because I completely showed up their bad boy. They are so blinded by their obsession it's disturbing. I don't understand why the back this way towards him. It's not like he is anything special or worth throwing yourself at him. Girls seriously though WAKE THE FUCK UP! I eventually get to my locker grab my things and scurry to first period cause I can't stand all the attention and not only glares but looks of pity. It's absolutely revolting to be looked at that way.

"Okay, everybody I'm going to start role call," he pauses and starts reading down the long list of names. "Alex. Becca......"

I drone out until I hear my name called completely oblivious as to why every single pair of eyes are looking in my direction. But then I look over my shoulder to the seat next to me and who do I see?  Damon! That son of a bitch has the nerve to sit by me! He seriously has problems if he thinks I won't kick his ass the moment I have the chance. I honestly thinking about convincing him to go to a mental institution just to make sure he is all right in the head.

"Hey, what's up." He asks me like there is nothing to it. He is so nonchalant it's sickening.

I just ignore him. Until.......the teacher says my two least favorite things.

"We are doing a partner project." He goes on explaining the project going over the rubric and ends with

"Partner up!"

I sit there and start taking notes writing a plan for the project going through all my ideas when someone rather abruptly interrupts my thoughts.

"We are partners.  So tell me what we are going to do." Someone behind me says rather blatantly and rudely.

I was about to turn around and tell them off but I some how recognized that annoyingly seductive and husky voice. Immediately alarms start blaring in my head to beware.

"Who said I was going to be partners with you of all people. I would rather claw my eyes out and throw myself off a cliff and die." I admit that was kinda cruel but he deserved it after what he did yesterday.

"I said we are partners and you can't do anything about it because I already told Mr. Muller that we are partners. So it looks like we are doing this project together." He says it so smugly a I want to do is slap that stupid smirk off his face.

"Why would you even want to be partners with me? Don't you remember yesterday?" I am completely confused and completely baffled that he has the nerve to not only approach me three times yesterday but also become my partner for a stupid school project. even after all my rudeness and insensitivity and bad ass takedown he isn't running away screaming like I caught his hair on fire it is utterly completely and simply put surprising.

"I am your partner because I know it annoys the shit out of you and you are one of those people that likes to understand everybody and everything and the fact that I am doing this is going to drive you crazy because you can't figure out why." He explains it like it's no big deal and he acts like he knows me better than my best friend Bonnie. That is not okay what's so ever.

"What ever I really don't care here." I had him a piece of paper with my number on it.

"What's this? Are you trying to get me to hook up with you? I don't do virgins." I cannot believe he just said that to me! I am not a virgin!

"I am not a virgin and it's so you can text me when you have enough time so I can come over and we can work on the project." He is suck a self conceded jerk! "What makes you think I would ever I million years ever have sex with you?" Seriously who does he think he is friggin Ian somerholder? Btw Ian is so much hotter. Not to mention Damon isn't even as hot as Justin Bieber. Can you tell I watch vampire diaries? It's kind of ironic though cause Ian played Damon the bad brother in the show. Oh well he's still not that hot. I go through the rest of the day and as I get home I get a text from none other than Damon.
He can you come over I have some free time to work on the project?

Yeah sure where do you live

I'll just come pick you up. Be ready in ten minutes.

Ok well now Damon is picking me up and taking metro his face so we can work on a project together. There is no way this is actually happening.

He is actually right on time. I get in the car and before I can even get my seatbelt on he is speeding down the road. We arrive in under five minutes he doesn't love very far from me. He moved into the old Berkley house. Mr. Berkley is chemistry teacher at school and his wife died of a brain aneurysm about a year ago. He moved out of the house and got a small apartment farther down town. It was such a tragedy because she was such a nice person. And she was really young just turning thirty. She had her while life ahead of her and it was ripped away tearing a big rip in many lives. A rip that can't be repaired or sewn back together for a long time. Just like the loss of my parents. We pull into the drive way and I have to hold back tears because Mrs Berkley was the one who always watched me a always invited me over so I could swim in their pool. I

I hear the car door shut and I am pulled back into reality.

"So are you coming or are you going to stay in the car?" He is so rude.

I get out of the car and follow him into the house. It still looks the same. But it's missing something. I push it to the back of my mind and place my bag on the ground as I sit down on the couch. I pull out my books and organize them on the coffee table spreading out all of my notes and project requirements. I feel Damon's eyes burning though my skin as he stares at me.

"Are you going to stare at me all day or are you going to help?"

Hearing that he starts moving forward sitting opposite me and we work on the project for a good hour before I realize what's missing.

"It's her music."

"What? What are you talking about. Who is her?"

I haven't noticed that I had said it out loud until he starts asking those stupid questions and I end up telling him about Mrs Berkley. I finish explaining my sudden out burst and the only thing Damon says is.

"I'm hungry."

He gets up and walks toward the kitchen getting two little sneak bags of Doritos and two water bottles.

He ends up throwing both of snack items at me without warning.

After another two hours it's already 7o'clock  and I told my aunt I'd be home for dinner. Damon drives me home and the five minutes seem to be longer this time and there is this awkwardness that haunts the car. I finally get inside to find my brother sitting with my aunt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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