𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐩 𝐩𝐢𝐜

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"stand right there- can you kindly fuck off? i'm trying to take a picture of my girl here."

who would've guessed, that a runaway bride and a fugitive would be seen sight seeing in hirosaki?

hanma shuji has learned his lesson on changing routes without telling the (h/c) haired girl, and made a promise to only change if it's deemed necessary and or if the two are being chased after by cops. Not like it's going to happen any time soon, but it's highly likely for them to get chased out of a city because of how fast the news is spreading.

they don't even know how they managed to roam around the city of hirosaki without anyone noticing them, wondering if the authorities finally stopped their chase after the two or if they're just that slow. we're all hoping that it's the latter though.

so now here they are, being a menace towards the cities locals and also visitors who wanted to take a quick stroll around the city.

"oi, you heard him. you're blocking the camera from this gorgeous view." y/n snickered under her breath when the family of three walked away, not knowing how to deal with these two wilding teenagers. all they wanted was to have a lovely walk as a family, why do the gods feel the need to put them in the middle of their peaceful walk?

of course, the two aren't a real couple just yet, but they like to act like one especially if it's to torment the poor people.

there was one time where hanma 'proposed' to her with a plastic ring that he had bought in the grocery store, all because y/n wanted cake from the restaurant they were eating at. there was also this time where y/n pretended to be pregnant just to be first in line in the public restrooms- she deemed it necessary to have the dual-hair colored male act frantic to sell the act.

it's safe to say that these two are having the time of their lives. it's not like the both of them are wanted, no.

"you should've seen the kids face! and hey, i got the wife's wallet, we should have enough to last us up to imabetsu and pay for our ferry up to hokkaido." hanma led the two of them away from the spot, not wanting to get caught when the wife notices that she's been pickpocketed by a bunch of rowdy teenagers.

"we should've stolen another car and sell the one that we have, but it's a plus that we get coupons to a grocery store."

the male let out a laugh, slinging an arm around her shoulders and continued on with their stroll. in the eyes of the locals, they were just two teenagers in love who are enjoying on their afternoon walk. but to us, they're two dumb teenagers who can't confess to one another, yet pretend that they're in a relationship for the sole purpose of having things go their way.

you can't tell me that hanma doesn't enjoy the little 'act' that they're putting up.

i mean, come on, you finally got laid and you're telling me you don't feel anything towards her? you kissed her once, then proceeded to feel all light and tingly around the person, get laid at a love hotel, and you call it an 'act'?

how dumb can you possibly be to not read the signs?

"oh don't be like that, sweetheart. we can buy all the (f/snack) that you want with that coupon- i see the couple walking back, better walk fast darling." y/n rolled her eyes at his antics, biting the inside of her cheeks to keep that smile from forming itself on her face as she began speeding up her pace.

"would you stop calling me that- the kid is pointing at us."

"stop calling you what- better start running."

the two of them let out a carefree laugh as hanma held onto her hand and began pulling her towards the parking lot, running away from the family of three who were beginning to chase after them.

people stopped what they were doing to look at the two who were speeding past them, smiling at the sight of two teenagers who were simply running away for 'fun'. yes... fun.

do the locals not hear the shouts coming from the wife?

with a few tugs and twists and turns, the sight of the familiar car welcomed them as the dual-hair colored male immediately took out the keys and slammed the doors open, the (h/c) haired girl doing the same as she looked out the window with a smile on her face.

"they're going to get us."

"no they won't." a laugh made it's way up his throat when he successfully managed to start the car, the familiar sound of the engines reaching their senses as he began pulling away from the parking lot. so much more on trying to blend in, really.

it was always like this between hanma shuji and l/n y/n, always causing trouble in every city that they go to- the amount of missing wallets complaints is unbelievable.

though, nothing can really stop the teenagers from doing what they want. because the moment that they left the city of tokyo, they're free people with their responsibilities behind them. i really wish that they can just confess, though, i don't have the patience on waiting until the fifteenth chapter for the romance to happen.

the adrenaline in their veins managed to die down as they were now a significant distance away from the park, letting out breaths of relief as both of them calmed down and focused on the road ahead of them.

it wouldn't take long until they reach imabetsu and ride the ferry up to fukushima, their days together are numbered. with each second passing, they're nearing the end of their little spontaneous road trip.

maybe that's why they spend at least a day in every city to try and prolong their time together?

of course, the two of them are aware that their journey ends in hokkaido, a city where they'll live completely different lives away from each other, a city that started this road trip to begin with. the thought about separating is embedded deep inside of their minds, not ready to come to the surface just yet. because according to the (h/c) haired girl, they still got a long way until they move on with their lives.

how dumb can these two get?

"what did you not want me to call you again?" golden eyes peered towards her silent figure, the soft humming from the radio acting as their little white noise as he drove around the city.

"hmm? oh... stop with the petnames already, it's weird."

"oh? why's it weird? isn't that the shit that those lovey-dovey couples would call their partners in those cliche romance movies?" y/n didn't know whether or not to bash his head on the windshield, or he's just naturally dumb.

don't get her wrong, of course her heart skips a beat whenever he calls her stuff like 'darling' or 'baby'- and that's the problem! he calls her those so naturally, that she's beginning to think that the two of them are in a relationship even if they're not.

she wants to be with him, duh. but she won't be the first to move, no way.

"nevermind." hanma took one last fleeting glance towards her, humming in thought as he shifted his focus to the road ahead of him.

of course he knows what she meant by her words, he's not that dumb. but he kind of wanted to hear it coming from her directly before he can even make his move. fueling his ego before being able to call her his, great.

though, she's already his in his opinion- and he's already hers, that was a given factor the morning that he woke up inside the love hotel. so he doesn't really see the need on voicing out 'you're mine' when they've already done the deed.

oh hanma... of course you're dense.

fret not, my dear readers, because hanma shuji has already got himself a plan.

let's just wish that it'll fit for the last three chapters remaining.

𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐞. - 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐣𝐢 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now