Chapter 1

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to not get confused:
'Cale'-thinking normal
"Cale"-talking normal
"Cale" - me talking
'Cale'- me thinking
"Cale"- god talking
'Cale'- god thinking

Also there are some maybe ships that you may not like and it's: boy +boy
And maybe girl +girl


Everything was okey as when 'heroes' were battling and they got victory but something was not okey..something was about to happened

"Is everything ready?" Asked someone as he/she was curious and can't waited something that they all waited to happend.

"Hmm i think. "Nodded also someone else.

"But...i think she is working now" said that as he/she was talking about someone else.

"Don't worry she will be happy because it's about my son!" Said man as he was proud to talk about that man.
"Shut op you good for nothing god of death" said another person but not also person.

"Huh??? You wanna fight?! You god of chaos?!" Dod of death sounded annoyed and wanted to smack that persons no god's ass.
"Stop it you two....she will be angry let's bring all of people now as she has to take care of work to please gods and constellation." Said someone.

"Hmmp...okey then do it god of darkness." God of chaos said that as he looked at god of darkness.

"Okey I'm bringing them in" god of darkness glared at them saying with his gaze that for them to not make any mess.

Back to heroes and others

everyone was busy ...'heroes' saved some people crown prince Alberu Crossman is doing his duties and working...there's also dragons. There were nobles. Jungle queen litana . Miss cage crazy priestess. And many more.
They all were busy but something suddenly happened and all of them got teleported into an room but it was nothing like just a room there was a big television ,tables,couches,and food.
They all got panicked of course they got teleported to an unknown palace they will first think of an enemy. And that's what came to their mind they felt that they were in danger. choi han looked around and when he saw a television he immediately take out his sword and glanced everywhere. there were many people there might be enemies and if he had to fight while his in this unknown palace where he sees television he haven't seen in a long time he got panicked. In a moment they heard voice that was woman's voice they all looked to direction where voice came from as they could see a woman with black hair and black eyes that made choi han even more panicked and worried he frowned and looked at woman who was talking at them.

"Oh you all are already here?" A woman who was looking at them they could freely see.

"Hmm it's good that you all are here then we could get to the point at why are you all here" woman looked at them and smiled

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"Hmm it's good that you all are here then we could get to the point at why are you all here" woman looked at them and smiled. But before she calmly explain everything she got stoped by a man choi han who was attacking her thinking she was an enemy also how does she knows about television? Is she from also another world ? Choi han had so many questions but he just attacked her but he got stoped

"Sigh.....please I'm already tired I don't want to fight let me explain first are you going to attack everyone who even will try to approach you?...." in girls voice you could see how tired she was but she still was doing this 'job'.

"Then explain how do you know about television or even how do you have that? Are you like me?" Choi han had so many questions and wanted answers for them but he was a little happy that there was someone like him.
"Hmm? Ah" girl shakes her head and looks at choi han who was a little disappointed but also had his guard still up.
" then who are you?" An man asked her as everyone else was looking at choi han and that woman's dialogue.
"Ahh crown prince alberu it's nice to meet you your highness it's just that i have teleported you all here because i need you to help me in return i will also help you or maybe someone who will help you all solve the war that is going to come at your door." Girls said as she explained but she didn't explained everything she looked at their expression they all had different yet similar expression. Some of them were scared some of them were worried some of them were angry some of them were speechless and couldn't talk some were too stunned and shocked.
"What are you talking about?!" All of them were now much more panicked as if kidnaping was not enough and now a war? What nonsense was this? They couldn't believe it.
"Ehem as i was saying if you will help me i will also help you but I don't think i will be the one helping you i think it will be someone else much more helpful " said woman as sh looked at them some of them were trying to calm down.
"Then....what is that you want from us?" Asked red-haired woman who was ex-princess from Breck Kingdom and now was mage.
"Ah it's very simple you just have to watch do you see this big black screen? Let's just say that it's magic thing that helps me show you things and when you will watch this videos or to be more specific react you will get help. That's all i think it's very good deal and that i don't need anything else. And then you all will be free also gods are watching as they were the ones recommended for it and also constellation are watching so let's start this okey? Also you will be reacting to one person." Said woman as she just was talking about something simple after telling them about war and then like nothing she smiled and looked at them.

"What?!.........." all of them had this question. But woman just looked at them then sighed and again said something else.
" okey take time and think then when you will be able to react and be ready we will start." Said woman as she just looked at them and waited for their answers.


ahjsj ahh now i want to tell you all about my au and idea but i will not do it an djust control just have to wait and then read what happens next i will make them react to og! Cale and what it's my au so there might be some things that is now even in novel but remember it's fanfic!

I will try to make it as much interesting as i can I don't think i'm also good at explaining emotions so i will try my best so you just have to read it!

ehem i will also use names that i came up with for gods because i don't really remember their names if i will say don't blame me please ehem also I'm apologizing if there is mistakes you see English is not my first language......and sorry because i know it's short i will make next one more big i think i will try!!

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