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summary: the reader is feeling insecure so Cedric comforts her (NOT THAT ANY OF U SHOULD BE INSECURE IM SURE YALL ARE GORGEOUS) <3

y/n: your name

Warning(s): swearing, body shaming, bullying, deep detail of making out (*insert skull emoji*), mentions of Anorexia,  (if ur not comfortable reading this plz don't <3)

also, I'm gonna make a personality for u so if this isn't like u then plz pretend it is for the sake of the story 

(also no offense to anyone named Daphne, and pretend that everyone has their own dorm rooms. this applies to all of my imagines)


You were a quiet, shy, gentle, soft, compassionate, and timid girl. You were never popular at Hogwarts. That is, you started dating Cedric Diggory. He fell in love with you because of your gentleness. Five months into your relationship, you were sure that Cedric was the one. you were his delicate little angel, and he wanted to and would protect you from anything at all. You and Cedric were the perfect, non-toxic couple of Hogwarts. And for that, many girls who had a crush on Cedric hated you.

When you were unpopular, people didn't bully you as no one knew who you were, and you were very much okay with that. Now, even while dating Cedric no one dared bully you as they know that Cedric would get back at them, even if it wasn't him who will cause the damage directly. Cedric has friends who would do anything for him, girls and guys included.

But, of course, some people are stupid enough to try. There was this one girl who was named Daphne. She and Cedric were very close. She wanted to be with him. Daphne and Cedric were, in fact, on the edge of becoming a couple until Cedric met you. And for that, Daphne hated you. You never told Cedric but Daphne kept on provoking you and body-shaming you for the past few months. 

You tried to ignore her but her words hit hard on you. You started to develop Anorexia and you were severely underweight. This led to you being constantly tired, sometimes having trouble breathing and you kept fainting randomly throughout the day. Thankfully no one noticed, since you always fainted when you were alone, or so you thought. Cedric noticed your changing behavior for the past two months. He didn't say anything because he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. But today he did.

You were skipping dinner, not wanting to eat, and see Daphne. You were in your dorm, listening to music and finishing some homework. The truth was that you were trying to distract yourself from your hunger. But you couldn't. You couldn't do anything but sit there and be hungry. You fought every bone and muscle in your body to go and get food. You decided to shower, as your hunger might quiet down a bit. It did, but just a bit. After about fifty minutes you heard a knock on your door. You go to it and open it to see your gorgeous boyfriend, Cedric Diggory. He had something wrapped in his hands with tissue.

"Hey Ced," you said, putting on a fake smile.

"Hello princess. I saw that you weren't downstairs at dinner, so I bought you something," he said smiling. You smiled back, thanked him, and put the food on your table. You hoped that maybe your owl would want to eat it. You went to sit on your bed and Cedric followed.

"Aren't you going to eat it?" Cedric asked, lying down on your bed.

"No, I'm not hungry," You lied, standing up to put away your homework. After you did, you went to join Cedric on the bed, laying on his chest. 

"Are you sure you're feeling okay love? You've been acting very differently recently," Cedric asked while you played with his fingers.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" You replied lying, hoping Cedric would fall for it. Cedric sighed and lifted up your chin with his free hand so your e/c eyes would look at his gray ones.

"I know when there's something wrong, sweetheart. So please, tell me. I just want to help," he said before giving you a soft kiss.

You returned the kiss with your eyes closed but a bit more roughly and tangled your fingers in his hair. You sat on his lap, straddling him as his hands roamed over your back and waist. All you wanted to do right then and right there was kiss this man and forget about everything else. So you did that. You licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance and he granted it immediately, making your tongues move in sync. 

After a while he detached his lips from yours, only millimeters away from your face, his eyes staring into yours. You leaned in, wanting to continue but Cedric slightly leaned a bit more back.

"So darling, are you just going to ignore my question?" Cedric whispered huskily on your lips, putting your hair behind your ear.

"I didn't ignore it, now kiss me," You reply about to put your lips on his when he pulled away.

"If you don't answer, then no kisses for you," Cedric said smirking. You pouted and folded your arms.

"Fine! So, the thing is, I've been feeling very ugly lately..." You confessed, your voice trailing off.

"Ugly?!" Cedric asked as if he had never heard the word before.

"Yes," You replied.

"Why?" Cedric asked confusion all over his face. He did not understand how someone this beautiful could feel ugly.

"Well, look at me!" You exclaimed, getting out of bed and standing in front of the mirror. Cedric followed you and wrapped his arms around your waist when he did.

"You want to know what I see?" Cedric asked, kissing your forehead. You nodded, melting into his embrace. 

"I see a beautiful, talented, smart young woman. It doesn't matter what's on the outside, only the inside," Cedric said, moving you h/c hair out of your face. You looked up at him and smiled, wishing you could accept that. After a while of comfortable silence, you broke it.

"Can I tell you something?" You asked Cedric, still in his arms.

"Anything," he replied, carrying you bridal style then going to the bed. 

"So uh, you know Daphne right?" You asked, stroking his perfect golden hair.

"Yep, she's one of my closest friends," Cedric answered, looking at your face and wondering how he got so lucky.

"She's kinda the reason this is happening to me..." You whispered, waiting for Cedric's reaction.

"How?" He frowned, confused.

"She's been provoking me a lot, and body shaming me," You said, taking in a breath after you said that. The truth was finally out. Cedric was now mad.

"Well then, she's a bitch. I'm going to end my friendship with her. And, I'm going to confront Daphne," Cedric said, wanting to kill her but keeping his cool for you. You laughed a bit, feeling comforted. 

"Let's go somewhere. I'm bored," You said, taking Cedric's hand and getting up. Cedric gets up too and you both go walk in the grounds, you feeling happy and content that you had a boyfriend that would do anything for you.


A/N: hope you liked it! please feel free to request anything but smut! also srry for the shitty ending I ran out of ideas lmao

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