My Hero

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summary: cedric enters the triwizard tournament (I might make this into a series!)

a/n: this is going to have a bit of angst btw



"Why?!" You exclaimed at your boyfriend, tears running down your face.

"Why, Cedric?! You could get severely wounded! Or worse, end up dead!" You yelled, still crying.

"Y/n, maybe you should look into this a bit deeper! I joined this tournament to show that Hufflepuffs aren't weak! All the Hufflepuffs are counting on me! And who says I'm going to get chosen? There are a million other students who have joined! And if I do get chosen, I won't die! I promise!" Cedric exclaimed. His voice was loud, but he wasn't yelling at you. You knew the chances of him getting chosen were very low, but you just had this bad gut feeling.

"Ced, I'm being reasonable! And how are you going to keep that promise?! Can you see into the future? Cedric, please find a way out of this! Please!" You pleaded with your boyfriend.

"No, Y/n. We've already discussed this. I put my name in, so there's no way out. I understand you're worried, and I appreciate that, but please calm down. Now I need to leave. I have Quidditch practice." Cedric said and gave you a quick peck on the forehead then left, not giving you a chance to reply. 

It had been one week. One week since that fight. And it was time to announce the players that would take place in the tournament. You and Cedric didn't talk to each other since then. You were both unsure if you had broken up or not. 

Since a lot of girls noticed that you stopped talking to him and hanging around him, a lot of them tried their chance with Cedric but he rejected them all, only wanting you.

You felt hot tears in your eyes as Dumbledore calls out Cedric's name. 

All the Hufflepuffs cheered loudly as Cedric approached Dumbledore with a big smile on his handsome face. He looked around and his smile immediately dropped when he saw your tear-stained face. As soon as the both of you made eye contact, you picked up your bag and left...

Cedric sighed to himself, his face falling a little. He decided that he would wait a little until all the champions were announced before he could go talk to you. But that little turned into a long time. He had to take pictures with the other champions and get interviewed by Rita Skeeter. 

Well, she mostly flirted with him. That was highly uncomfortable. Especially when she kept ruffling his hair (which he hated for anyone to do except you or himself) and grabbing the muscles on his arm. Not to mention she was old enough to be his mother! Or maybe even older.

By the time he had reached the Hufflepuff common room, it was 8 PM. Cedric had homework he had to finish by tomorrow, but he desperately wanted to talk to you. He looked around for you in the common room, but you weren't there.

"Hey, Susan? Have you seen y/n?" He asked your roommate. 

"Yeah, she's upstairs. You want me to go get her for you?" 

Cedric nodded. Susan then went upstairs and returned with you following her. Cedric approached you and gently took your hands in his, while Susan returned to her original place which was reading on the couch.

"Can we talk?" His voice was soft, and the way he was being so gentle gave you butterflies instantly.

Darn him for being so handsome.

You nod slowly, and the two of you find a private corner in the halls. A corner which you had often gone to for... romantic reasons. It was very secluded and you have never been caught. Images of you two making out in that specific corner filled your mind and a blush spread on your cheeks.

"So," you start.

"So..." He swallowed.

"You wanted to talk?" You asked him.

"Yeah. I uh... I'm sorry. You were right, I shouldn't have joined this and it was stupid of me to put my name," he apologized, but you both knew he didn't regret putting his name in the goblet. He was about to continue speaking, but you beat him to it.

"Look, Ced, you don't have to apologize. I'm the one who should be saying sorry. This was all completely your choice, and I shouldn't have tried to force you into it. Also, I let my anxiousness get the best of me and I shouldn't have done that. So, I'm sor- mmph?"

Cedric had cut you off by placing his soft lips on yours, and you instantly responded. After a few seconds, he pulled away. "You should never apologize for being worried, Y/n. It's sweet of you, and I never want that to change about you. And very adorable. And yes... you may have slightly overreacted but that's okay," he said, smiling softly at you. 

Of course, this man just had to go and make you a flustered, red, blushy gushy mess. 

"Thanks, Ced. If there's anyone sweet I know, it's you," you say softly, nervously twirling a strand of your hair around your finger. Cedric's smile got wider, and he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

"I'm the one who should be thanking you, my love. You're the only one who I feel safe enough to 100% be myself around with," he spoke, placing his forehead against yours. You smiled back, a bit too flustered to reply.

"Let's get going now," cedric said after a few long seconds of gazing into each other's eyes. You nodded, and the two of you went back to the common room. 

"When's the first challenge?" You ask as you both sit down side by side on the couch near the fire. 

"About two weeks from now," Cedric replied, placing his arm around you as you snuggled into him, resting your head on his chest.

"That's pretty soon," you spoke.

"Yeah, I'm nervous, I have no idea what it's about," Cedric admitted.

"Aw, well, I'll be right there for you in case anything happens," you smiled a little. Cedric smiled back and kissed your forehead.

Soon, after a while of cuddling together (and a bit of smooching), you and Cedric head back to each of your dorms to go to sleep.


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