Chapter 1: Regrets

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*6 years later*

Kai woke up in a cold sweat, he banged his bed on the top of the bunk bed, much to the disturbance of the top bunks resident, Jay.

"I'm awake!" Jay yelled, as the bump rid him from his sleep. "Sorry Jay!" Kai said, as he got up from bed, rubbing his head."another nightmare..?" he thought as he changed into his green suit.

The silk gi fit Kai perfectly, though this was after many alterations. As If it was originally made for someone else. The green belt hugged his waist as he tied it. He finished tying the gi and headed outside.

"Morning Kai." Someone said as he walked on to the deck of the bounty. "Morning Nya." Kai replied. "Any activity from the Sons Of Garmadon?" Kai said. "Not that I'm aware of." "Good." The two went silent for a bit. The past few days were stressful to say the least.

The second Oni mask had fallen under the Sons Of Garmadons control, Zane was found in bad shape and to top it all off the key to the third oni mask turned out to be a baby. But the thing that bothered Kai the most was the fact that day kept playing in his head. "What does it mean?"

Nya looked at her brother, she knew something was wrong, however before she could ask, the two heard baby cries in the distance. Cole appeared with the child in his arms.

"Come on Cole JR.. go back to sleep…" Cole whined. "Did you even get any sleep Cole?" Jay said, appearing behind the tired earth ninja. "Yes!" Cole said defensively. "Cooleee?" Jay said, narrowing his eyes. "Fine I'll go get some sleep, mom." Cole said bitterly, handing the child to Jay as he started to head off the deck. Suddenly the monitors flickered off.

The Ninja were all silent for a second."What.. what was that?" Cole asked. "A power outage?" Kai said, looking around the deck. "If it was one PIXAL would have activated the backup generator! Something is definitely wrong." Nya said, quickly running to where Zane was kept. The other ninja followed suit.

"PIXAL, what's going on?!" Nya exclaimed. The monitors were black, Zane's lifeless body still laying on the "bed". "PIXAL come in!" Kai exclaimed. The ninja looked at each other concerned. Suddenly a spark of light appeared, as the monitors flickered back on. Zane jolted awake due to the sudden rush of power.

"What-" before Zane could speak or the others could react, a voice came from the monitors."A- uNkOwn-Ententiy- enter-My -SysTeM… S0mEtHinG aPrroChInG BoUnTy-" PIXAL said in a disorted voice. "Approaching the bounty? What is it?!" Nya asked.

"S-SaMuRAi x-X" "Oh!They must be here to help us!" Jay said happily. "I-Im AfRAiD nOt-" PIXAL replied. "What?Why?!" Cole said. The bounty shook violently, the wires once attached to Zane falling out, as the ninja tried to keep their ground. "ThIS- WouLD b-Be A GoOd Tiii- ME to MaKE a MiNoR cOnfEssIon.. I aM sAmurIa X."

The ninja fell silent before they all erupted in confusion. "Totally Called it!" Said Jay "No you didn't!" Replied Cole.
3 days later

"The quiet one won't be happy about this."

Kilo said. "He'll get over it. Plus the bug is worked according to Mr.E" Ultraviolet replied sipping on her boba. After taking a sip she stuck her tongue out in disgust. Just as she was about to give that barkeep a piece of her mind, the phone rang. She ran over.

"What do you want?!" She said. Kilo watched his coworker curiously. "Oh, um I'm sorry I didn't know it was you." Ultraviolets face grew into a fearful expression.

"Y-Yes, the bug was set… Yes, the ship has crashed. No.. no we aren't there yet….You are?! But sir we don't have the map.. yes I know I promised not to doubt you- sir? Hello?!"

Ultraviolets face of feat grew a bit wider as she placed the phone back on the stand. "So.. what did he say?" Kilo asked. Ultraviolet turned to face him.

"The quiet one is coming."

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