We Only See Each Other At Weddings And At Funerals. Part 1.

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(Play the song and read until you see this sign: //)

Avery's POV:

Waking up to be an actress isn't as easy as some think. After my Elder sister Allison became one, she inspired me to chase my dream and try to become one.

So, I'm not an aspiring actress but also an Aspiring singer as well I try my hardest to be well-known like Allison. She's famous worldwide, and I someday hope to be like her.

I was in my trailer getting ready to shoot a scene in the movie "Blood mania" (I thought of the name myself. I don't know if this is a movie or not; if so, can someone in the comments let me know, so I don't get copyrighted for using it tysm.) It was the newest thriller movie when I heard a knock.

"Come in", I shouted. I looked back and saw my Agent, Claire. "Oh hey, Claire, is Nigel getting impatient? I told him I did tell him that if he wants me to be terrified and full of blood, I need more time to do my make-up; he can't rush me, sheesh." I ranted.

"Oh no, Avery, it's nothing- well, that's a lie; he is getting a little impatient, but that's not why I came in here. you need to look at this." She hands me a newspaper. It read, 'Most eccentric and reclusive Billionaire has been reported dead after being sent to the hospital and never coming out again.'

(i know it doesn't make sense; go with it, people.)

"Oh, my God." That was all I could get out. "Claire, can you please get me the next flight home," I said with a shaky breath. "Yes, of course," Claire said, walking out of my trailer. I was stunned.



I had just arrived at the Umbrella Academy. I looked at the grates with the initials 'U&A', the Umbrella academy.

I opened the doors and stood there was Allison and Vanya, Hugging. "Allison! Vanya!" I cried as I tackled both of them into a hug. "Avery!" they both shouted with fear of falling and cries of joy. "How has my little follower been," Allison asked with delight, but I'm also guessing a bit sly.

"Good, I just got cast as the star in 'Blood mania! Who shall survive,'" I said with hand gestures. I may be 30, but I still act like a child. We all laughed. "Well, if it isn't Avery, the superstar," Diego said as walking into the foray from the living room/drawing room.

"Diego!" I screamed as I ran into his arms. He grabbed me with open arms, lifted me and spun me. He may be 5,10, but I was 5,5. "I missed you, you dingus." He said as he stopped spinning me, which was a good idea; otherwise, I would've probably puked.

"Me too," I said softly. After Diego put me down, I look at him repeatedly, asking, "Why do you look like Vigilante?" "What do you mean I don't look like one," he said, offended.

"Yes, you do, brother. You very much look like one," I said back is a smirk on my face.

"You know, She's not wrong." Allison agreed with me. "Thank you, Allison," I said, looking back at her and Vanya, who was looking down at the floor. "What is SHE doing here? You don't belong here after what you did," Diego asked with a cold and sly tone.

"Diego, she has every right to be here. She is our sister, after all." I answered back as he walked off upstairs. "You're seriously going to do this today of all days," Allison answered. "Way to dress for the occasion, by the way." She said with a smirk before he disappeared upstairs.

I snickered at her comment. "At least I'm wearing black." He answered back under his breath but loud enough for us to hear.

"You know what, maybe he's right, and I should ju-" Vanya said, glancing back at us from the floor. "Forget about him." I interrupted her, "I'm glad your here. We both are." Allison said, side-hugging me while we looked at Vanya with a smile. "Thank you, both of you." She replied with a slight smile. I dragged her into the hug.

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