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A ten year old stood on the terrace of the roof. He was crying, calling out to his parents. The plane crash had killed more than 200 people. His parents were among them.

He didn't know what to do. He knew no relatives. It was always the three of them. They never introduced none of the other relatives. The boy cried while blaming himselves. He wished to follow them.

He couldn't bare to live alone.

"I'm coming too mommy. Please wait for me daddy,"he said as he was about to jump. He closed his eyes ready to fall over.

It never happened.

He opened his eyes,only to find himself lying on his bed. He didn't understand what had happened. He tried to recall but nothing.

He tried again to commit suicide but just like before,he found himself lying on his bed.

That was the beginning of weird stuff happening.He decided to set up a camera in his room and around the house. He wanted to know what was happening.His nanny helped and promised to stay awake. They had to understand what was going on.

As it approached around 9pm,Peat fell asleep. His nanny decided to lay next to him. She wasn't asleep,but pretending. Her heart was racing with fear as she imagined the worst.

After 9pm,it finally happened. Peat was awake but he wasn't himself. He looked at the nanny and began to laugh.His aura was different. It gave chills.
-"Get up,I know you aren't sleeping. I'm not dumb,"he said.

She fearfully opened her eyes and stared at him.
"P-peat,"she stuttered.               -"what is going on?"

"But i'm not Peat. Don't you see the difference?My name is Sky. Nice to meet you,"He said as he woke up from the bed.

"By the way,your cooking is terrible,"Sky said an walked out.

The nanny was still in shock. She couldn't understand anything. She was utterly confused. Never had she seen such a thing before. Two personalities in one body. This was only seen on movies.

Seeing it live scared her.
"How will Peat handle this?"she asked herself.
-"How do I even know when it's Peat of whoever the other person is?"

No one had answers to her questions. She got out of the room,searching at every corner of the house for Sky. When she found him,her jaw almost hit the floor.

Sky was in the living room watching horror R-rated movies.

"Don't go toddler on me. Come let's watch,"Sky said.

But the nanny couldn't. She knew it was wrong for Sky to be watching such movies. It was like an adult in a child's body.Instead of screaming and hiding his face from the vicious violence on the screen,Sky laughed,calling the murdered victims foolish and giving ideas on better ways they would have been killed.

The nanny walked towards him ready to snatch the remote control ,only for Sky to threaten her with a knife he had hidden next to him.

"Don't you dare. If you want to live here,stay out of my way. Just because you volunteered to take care of Peat as your own,doesn't make you our mother. I'm capable of taking care of Peat. He called out to me unknowingly and here we are,"he explained.

-"And if you have that crazy idea of taking Peat to the hospital,I advice you delete it. Unless you want to see my third personality.It's ugly."

The nanny could only nod. She was petrified. Her body was shaking profusely. Thousands of question swirling in her mind. she wanted to ask but was afraid.

"Do we have a deal?"

"Yes we do,"The nanny said.

-"Good.Lets begin.......

Peat stared into space as the memories of how it started replayed over and over. He knew how much his body had suffered due to Sky's recklessness.

"We have to tell Fort,"Rain suggested.

"Tell him what?"Peat chuckled. Pain and anguish was evident in his voice.
-"Oh,let's see. Fort I have DID(Dissociative Identity Disorder).His name is Sky. He is evil. He was the one who initiated the incident with the gunshot that almost took my life. He was responsible for you breaking up with all your girlfriends. He was also responsible for your father almost dying that resulted in me donating blood. Is that what I should confess to Fort?"Peat cried. A heavy lump stuck on his throat.

Fort would hate him if he found out about everything. His other personality was obsessed with Fort ever since day one. Peat had done everything to control the situation but each time he woke up after 8hours,Sky had already messed up everything.

Rain embraced his friend.

"It's going to be alright. He will understand if you promise to get professional help,"Rain assured.

"He will not understand. Not everyone is like you."

Rain pulled away. He wiped the tears on Peat's cheek with his palm.
-"He will."

Peat laughed.
-"Sky almost killed you. He thought you were interested in Fort. He set your house on fire and almost ran you over. He-

"Helped with my situation with Payu. Remember,Sky isn't all that bad. Ones he likes you,he considers you family. Because of that crazy idiot,I'm married to Payu.His parents agreed to it because of his foolish and at the same time intelligent ideas,"Rain smiled.

Even though Sky was crazy,he did things that brought out good results.

"So,you think we should tell Payu of the craziness Sky did which you helped?"Peat asked.

Rain denied,shaking his head. He couldn't allow Payu to find out. The things they did out of love was madness.
'What if Payu hated him?'Such thoughts clouded his mind.

"You are scared that Payu might be angry right?"Peat asked. He already knew from the change of Rain's demeanor.
-"You are scared that he may leave you. You are afraid that he would ask for a divorce,"Peat knew the buttons he was pushing. He always played mind games when it came to people. He just didn't realize it was actually him all along.

The actual truth was hidden.

"Enough. We aren't going to tell anyone yet,"Rain said.

"But I thought you wanted the truth revealed. I'm ready to tell Fort that I pose a great threat to his life. Are you ready to tell Payu how you and Sky hospitalized his boyfriends. Or maybe we should tell him how you almost killed his mother with the help of Sky but ended up to be the hero. Should we?"

Peat cupped Rain's cheek. He had a smile on his face.
-"You are as much evil as Sky that's why you understand him. Atleast I hide behind Sky,what about you?No one else can understand us. Both of us will be locked up in a mental hospital or end up in jail. Is that what you want?"

Rain had tears soaking his cheeks. He knew Peat had a point.

If Peat revealed himself,everything would come crashing down for him too.The things they had done to that family was grave and could result to lifetime imprisonment.

"We can never reveal Sky. We can never tell the truth. Do you promise?"Peat held out his pinky finger. They sweared on keeping everything a secret until their death.

"But tell me,where's Patricia?"Rain asked.

"I have to sleep for Sky to wake up. Ask him and tell him it's enough already.Fort is ours now. He isn't listening to me,"Peat replied as he laid back down.

Rain exhaled a breath he never knew was on hold for some minutes.
He also wanted to talk to Sky.
"And ask him what he plans to do with Laura. She is a loose string that we should cut."


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