New Bonds

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[Just look at this guy sleeping, he looks like a little cute puppy 😍😍]

As I walked away from everyone towards my room knowing that Alec was watching me go

As I turned around I saw Alec at that moment and his eyes were watching me so I didn't say anything but just walked away, I knew that now either Izzy or Alec would stop me and try to talk to me after the news. Because we were together this time and they faced those guys with me.

And I didn't want that conversation right now as I hadn't properly been able to handle it. I walked to my room closed the door and just left the bag down as I took a deep breath and started to let the feeling sink in.

It was not good to see Emily like this, I was devastated to see my sister like this being captured by someone and that I cannot do anything to help her. It made me feel so helpless and useless.

I slowly lost my courage to stand and sat down crying bringing my knees to myself thinking about how I couldn't save her.

I could see her in front of me but I couldn't do anything to the guys, as they have her. I was feeling so useless that I was being made to do something like this.

I cried for quite some time and then remembered that I had said to those guys that'll go and made up my mind that I'll save Emily from them even if I risked my life. I got up and picked up the bag and started to unpack it and got my clothes out and kept them on the side, then the other small bag. Then the photo-frames and then my laptop and chargers and stuff.

I kept everything out and closed the bag and kept it aside and picked up my clothes and started arranging them in the cupboard and
after a few minutes, I heard a knock on my door and as I turned I saw Jace standing there.

I kept everything out and closed the bag and kept it aside and picked up my clothes and started arranging them in the cupboard and after a few minutes, I heard a knock on my door and as I turned I saw Jace standing there

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"Hey Veronica," he said

"Hi, Jace, what happened? You here. Everything okay." I asked him as I kept the clothes back

"I could ask you the same" Jace said

"Well, you haven't talked to anyone much after you came back, you've been keeping to yourself this whole time even when we told you that you're not allowed to go outside on your own. You just agreed to it and didn't answer back like you usually do. What's wrong?." He asked me standing there

"It's nothing Jace, I'm okay. I was just tired from all the training. It was my first day so I got exhausted so I wasn't in a state to talk much." I replied trying to avoid the confrontation as much as I can right now

"If this was the reason then" he came in and sat on the bed in front of me "where did you get this bag from and all these clothes and stuff." He asked

I kept quiet for a moment looking at him without saying anything and then let out a sigh and sat down to face him

Even though Jace has been good to me since we met there is something different about him, the way he takes care of you, when you need him and shows up whenever you need someone without even asking is special. And maybe that is why I like him because not everyone is as considerate as him. I know he and Clary are close and stuff but still, Jace is nice and friendly. Someone who you could rely on without a doubt and would love to have as a part of your life.

𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 ~ 𝑨𝑳𝑬𝑪  𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑾𝑶𝑶𝑫Where stories live. Discover now