Alec's Confession

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"Let's go back," I said as they nodded in response I created a portal and we reached Jason's house

"Are you okay?" He asked I nodded in response

"She's sleeping upstairs," He said

I smiled and walking up the stairs quietly opened the door to his room to find her sleeping soundly, sitting nearby I just watched her sleep, she had bruises all over her face and body "I'm sorry Emily. I was just sitting around while you were being tortured," I cried out

"You did everything you could in your power for her," I heard Alec as he extended his hand, getting me settled

"It's okay, You didn't do anything wrong you stayed away because you knew if you tried anything they would've hurt her, and that's the last thing you wanted for her," he comforted patting my shoulder

"If only I had reached on time maybe then"

"I know that feeling very well, she's safe now so pull yourself together, she needs you now more than ever," He said as I glanced back at him as he wiped my tears

" Can you send Magnus in please?" I asked folding my hands on my lap he nodded and walked out

"Hey Peaches you wanted to see me?" Magnus asked entering the room as I looked up

"I need to heal her wounds, will you help me?" I said

"She'll be in a better condition by morning" he stated as Jason walked in I walked out into the hallway and got pulled away by someone and the next thing I knew is that I was locked in a room with Alec

"Alec, what do you think you're doing? Why haven't you returned to Lydia yet?" I questioned him trying to maintain a distance, but he just won't move

"What is it with you today? Let me go" I kept fighting him

"You never stop talking, do you? I wanna stay with you" he whispered his forehead touching against his as my eyes widened in horror

"Alec I don't think this is the right thing to do" I spoke but he didn't let me finish

"I called off my wedding with Lydia," he said

"What do you mean you called it off? She said you like her, and that's why you proposed to her didn't you? " I asked

"It was for the sake of the institute that I never said I liked her, instead you're the one that I like, I Love You Veronica" he whispered shocked by the answer I pushed him away

"Don't push me away. I know you also feel the same way I do, Don't leave" he says as he leans in kissing me

"I'm sorry Alec, but I need to go," Pushing him away I say

This was not the Alec I remember, the Alec I knew was different. He was different the look in his eyes could tell something had changed in his behaviour

As I walked toward the door I heard his deep voice again "I'll wait for when you're ready, " he said as I turned back. I gave him one last look and walked out fixing my dress as I walked down the stairs with him following behind quietly.

I enter and see Maryse and Robert talking among themselves as they see me enter Maryse throws me a glare to which I quietly put my head down and separate myself from the group walking over to my room.

Packing the items I needed for the night in the bag, I opened my closet, got my clothes out, and went for a shower, I changed into a pair of comfortable T-shirts and pants for the night. I pick up the bag with my items including my weapons and walk out I come across Lydia avoid her gaze and start walking

𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 ~ 𝑨𝑳𝑬𝑪  𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑾𝑶𝑶𝑫Where stories live. Discover now