Past Memories

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I kept tossing around getting a vision of Me, Mom, and Magnus fighting some people to save each other as one of the guys pushed me and Magnus away with his magic.

I rushed to his side to help him up but instead, I got tackled by one, blasted him with my magic, and stood back up.

The guy then directed his magic to the floor as all of us fell and I kept shouting out for Mom and Magnus as the guy grabbed me and tried taking me with them.

I woke up gasping for air and huffing clutching my chest for some air as I looked around me and saw everyone peacefully asleep.

As I got up and I saw Alec sleeping on the couch and watched him for a few minutes then went up to the terrace for some fresh air to clear my mind. I was leaning on the railing while looking over the city lights glowing in the night. No matter how much I try to hate it, this place gives me a beautiful view.

"What are you doing up at 4 in the morning, don't even think of jumping from there" I heard a voice as I smiled to myself and turned around

"I could ask you the same but it doesn't matter, and do I look like it to pull such a stupid stunt like that one" I stated crossing my arms around my chest

Alec laughed and came and stood next to me "You won't, but I had to make sure who knows you actually might do it in your emotions. I got up and saw you gone from the room. What happened" he said in a calming voice

"Just some nightmares, nothing serious besides looking at YOU. I fear that you might slip off from here. So I suppose you should back off" I laughed and pushed him to step back as he laughed and sat down on the nearby stairs on the terrace.

"Well I'm here if you wanna talk or don't want to" He shrugged as I looked at him and smiled

"You know it's hard when taking care of everyone in the family becomes your responsibility and you forget with the time that you also belong to this family. For whom you're giving your sweat and blood away, you have to grow up quickly to look after those who are younger than you" I sighed crossing my arms on my lap

"I can understand your situation, it's okay to feel low and let loose once in a while. I've been in your position too I know it's not easy but that's what we need to do or else the family might break apart." He nodded holding my hand in his as I watched him as his gaze went from normal to calming and comforting

"Thanks, I appreciate your opinion. Guess I just needed someone to give me a pep talk" I kept my hand on his and chuckled as he nodded

"Well you should head back it's getting late, and you're sleepy," I said as I turned and found Alec dozing off I hid my laugh

"You need sleep, come on," I said motioning him to get up as he nodded

He got up and saw me sitting there and demanded "You too. Come on" he grabbed me as I protested against his tight grip on my wrist we reached the door and he pulled me around

I had my back on the door while I faced him as his tall figure leaning over me "What, you want to spend the whole night here at the terrace. Sorry but I can't let that happen not on my watch Danver" he demanded

"Alec, I'll go and sleep I just want to stay here for a moment" I nodded holding his hand as I freed my hand

He stood there looking at me and then nodded "Fine, but don't make me come back to get you" he said as he let go of my hand and walked down and I suddenly got pulled into this vision from my past.


"So how do you like the place?" the guy with blonde hair asked me

"It's cool, I mean I haven't seen an institute this cool!!" the 17-year-old Veronica says happily examining the institute she was standing in

𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 ~ 𝑨𝑳𝑬𝑪  𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑾𝑶𝑶𝑫Where stories live. Discover now