Ch. 3

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After they eat, Jia and Brayden sit talking as Brayden stands up. "I want some dessert. You want a shake, J?" "No, I'm good." Brayden walks to the register to order a shake as Cash walks up to him. "Yo, what's up B?" Brayden extends his hand to dap him up, "What's up Cash?" "Nothing much, yo I need a favor my guy." Brayden sighs, "What is it?" "What's up with your girl?" He gestures to Jia, "She seeing anybody?" They both turn to look at Jia sitting at the table on her phone. Brayden turns around, "Uh no, she's uh, she's not seeing anyone, but you sure she's your type? I mean don't you usually go for, I don't know, airheads?" Cash laughs, "You're funny. No man, I've seen her around and she seems different. I can't explain it. So, you think she'd like me?" Brayden grabs his milkshake and sighs, "I know she'd like you to ask her for yourself." Cash looks over at Jia and shrugs, "Okay, wish me luck."

Cash walks over to the table where Jia is sitting, "Wassup Jia." Jia looked up surprised, "Uh h- hi Cassius." He chuckles as he sits down, "Please call me Cash." Jia smiles shyly, "Okay, Cassius." Cash laughs flirtatiously, "So, um, tell me something about yourself." Jia chuckles nervously, "Like what?" "I don't know, what kind of guys do you like?" Jia clears her throat confidently, "Well, uh, who wants to know?" Cash chuckles and looks seriously into Jia's eyes, "What if I am?" As Jia tries to form a sentence it begins to pour down rain outside. Brayden walks over to the table, "Hey Jia, you ready to go?" Jia looks up at him, "Uh sure." The two head to the door, "You sure have perfect timing Bray." Brayden laughs, "Trust me, you'll thank me later." They reach Brayden's car when Cash gets up and runs after them, "Uh Brayden, why don't I take Jia home?" Brayden and Jia look at each other and Brayden winks at her, "Um, I think that would be cool, Bray. I'll see you in the morning for school," Jia says while widening her eyes at Brayden to signal her excitement. Brayden smiles, "Okay J, let me know when you get home," he looks at Cash, "safely."

Jia and Cash head to his car and begin driving to her house. Cash turns the music down, "So you never answered my question." Jia turns to him, "What question?" "What kind of guys do you like?" Jia chuckles, "Is this your way of asking if you're my type?" "Well, am I?" Jia looks out the window and back at Cash, "I'll let you know."

The two arrive at Jia's house and Cash stops the car and looks at Jia. Jia gets nervous, "What?" "Nothing, just thinking of how to figure you out. Jia chuckles, "Good luck with that." She grabs her bags and looks at him, "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Cash leans in close as they lock eyes and his turn a yellowish color, "You will tell me if you like me tomorrow. You will tell the whole school how much you like me and that we went all the way this summer. Well, that's a bit much, we didn't have sex, but you like me." Jia realizes that Cash must be a vampire and he is trying to place her in a trance. Little did he know, he can't since she is also a vamp. She decides to play along. She put a hazy gaze in her eyes, "I will do as you wish." She then exits the car and bursts into laughter when she gets inside. "I gotta tell Bray."

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