chapter 20

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After my encounter with Gavi I just left. I didn't care anymore. I walked home sobbing. I was angry, I was sad, I felt betrayed, but most of all it just hurt. It hurt me to think that Gavi didn't have any faith in me, and that he wouldn't even let me begin to explain myself. It hurt that we were over.

Once I got to my apartment I changed into sweatpants and a hoodie, then bundled up in my bed and just cried. I went over it all in my head. Spencer kissed me, It's all over the internet that I cheated on Gavi, and we're over. Sounded right. While I was crying, my phone started ringing. I picked it up and it was a random number. I was kind of nervous to answer it, I didn't know who it was.

"Hello," a girls voice said.

"Hi, who is this?" I asked.

"Claudia Pina. Xavi gave me your number. I heard what happened, and I really wanna hear your side of it. Can I come over?" She replied. I sighed in relief.

"Yes, of course," I gave her my address, and 10 minutes later she was at my door.

"Hey," she said, stepping inside. Before she said anything else she hugged me. It was a simple gesture, but it meant the world to me. We went to sit down on my couch. "So what really happened?" Where do I start and how much time do I have?

"My ex, the one from the bathroom, Spencer. Well, we met a few months ago in London. He got toxic fast. One minute he would be yelling at me, the next he wouldn't leave me alone. Finally, once I got a journaling job here, I broke up with him and moved to Spain. A few days later he showed up here and tried to get me to leave, but Gavi told him to leave. He left me alone, but I learned yesterday that he never even left Spain. Yesterday he showed up in my fucking office. I got mad, and then," I got choked up, "then he kissed me. I didn't let him, he just did. Thats why I was crying in the bathroom."

"Oh babe, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve any of that." Claudia said. She pulled me closer to her and I started to cry again.

"And someone took a picture of him kissing me. I'm guessing it was one of his friends. The thing is, in the picture you can't tell it's him, but you can tell it's me. Someone put it out onto the internet and now Gavi thinks I cheated on him. He wouldn't even let me explain that it was Spencer." I said in between my crying.

"Do you want me to talk to him for you?" She asked.

"No, I mean... not really. I don't care. It just irks me that he wouldn't let me explain. I feel like if he trusted me he would let me explain. But he couldn't have known, could he?" I contemplated, "If I was him I feel like I would hear me out. I just want to move on."

"Then I know what you should do," Claudia said.

"And what is that?"

"You should dye your hair."

"Normally that would concern me, but I have always wanted to go blonde." I thought about it. I always felt like having blonde hair would make me feel prettier.

"I know a place that is never too busy, I can make us appointments for 1:30," she said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course I am. You need a friend, I need a friend, boom!" She said. I smiled. I was glad I had somebody to talk to. Claudia made our appointments and then we left. Claudia told me the story of when she got her hair done for the first time on the car ride there. Once we got there, they were ready for us, so we went to the back.

"I'm excited," I said.

"You're going to look so good with highlights." Claudia told me.

"Thank you!" I said. The whole time I was getting my hair done, I just thought about Gavi. I knew I shouldn't have, because I was trying to move on, but I couldn't help wonder what he would think. Once my hair was done, I looked at it in the mirror and instantly felt 100x prettier. I loved it so much.

"Look at you!" Claudia said as I walked into the waiting room. She had just gotten a trim, so it didn't take as long.

"I love it so much," I said. We paid, then went home. The car ride back was when it got deep.

"How do you feel?" Claudia asked.

"Well I feel gorgeous," I said. A tear rolled down my cheek. "But it doesn't matter because I have nothing to be pretty for."

"Cleo, don't do that. Be beautiful for yourself. Fuck Spencer, fuck Gavi, and fuck anyone else who made you feel upset," she said.

"Thank you, Claudia. Thank you for everything. You're incredible, I love you so much," I told Claudia. I would be eternally grateful for her kindness. She dropped me off, then left, and I went up to my apartment. When I got in, I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. I loved my hair, but it meant nothing without Gavi. I heard a knock on my door. I went to open it. It was Gavi.

"Hey," I said trying to mask my emotions. I wasn't sure if I was sad, relived, happy, or angry.

"Hey. I... I uh- I like your hair," He stuttered.

"Thanks," I knew he didn't come here to talk about hair.

"So I think we need to talk."

"Yeah, come in." I said, letting him in. He didn't sit down or anything.

"What happened? I know there's more to the story, and I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions but-" He asked.

"Well," I felt very emotional, "The person who kissed me was Spencer. I didn't let him, don't worry."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Cleo. I had no idea," he said.

"How could you have?" I asked. "But I think," I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence, but Gavi took the words right out of my mouth.

"I think we should break up." He said it like ripping off a bandaid. I nodded.

"Yep," I replied. I had no idea what to say. I mean, I was thinking the same thing, but I just didn't want to say it, because if I said it, then it would be real, and Gavi and I would be gone.

"Thank you for understanding," He said. He did not seem as upset as I was. Honestly, he didn't seem anything, he was just there. Neither of us said anything after that, and then Gavi left. After everything that happened, I didn't want to cry anymore. It was over, and I was ok with it, or I convinced myself I was, at least.


P.S... it seems some people are worried I am going to kill someone. Do not worry, I will not be doing that anytime soon.

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