ink sodden questions and closed doors

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They shot it. Of course they did, it was clearly not human. they were hunters and it was heading their way - what other outcome could there've been. Neither knew who made the shot, that knowledge was lost in the next few seconds, neither brother taking the time to ask. The creature seemed more surprised than anything when it heard the noise, the type of surprise that comes from entering a room of people thinking it was empty. The bullet – a rock salt round – flew passed, missing by a hair, into the wall behind when it bounced off, ricocheting from beam to beam in the doorway behind it like a bouncy ball.

It ducked down behind the counter in the room's centre, raising its head just enough that it could pear over top to frantically look around. In the few moments peace when guns were reloaded the thing took the initiative, rising slightly more so its nose was visible and spoke. "For the love of f#*! Lawrence, at least let me get in through the door before you try 'to sacrifice me to your lord', how the hell'd you even get that thing away from the Angel anyway! We both know how - never mind you're completely insane... "it cut itself off mid-sentence to mutter something under its breath only the trio's angel could hear.

"Look I know that thing won't kill me because you and practically everyone else in this gods' forsaken place has already tried it! You don't want to be here and guess what? Neither does anyone else, including me. So how abo – you're not Sammy..." the thing shut down its rant once the three stood up from their place behind the door. Clearly this was a day full of surprises for it as it seemed more startled with them being there than them trying to shoot them moments prior.

"What are you, who are you ?!" Was all Sam managed to get out before Dean raised his weapon for another round, a cartoonish 'bang' rang through the room neither noticed the first time as the bullet left the gun. Once again, the bullet missed – plunging through the space between the thing's horns – bouncing off every surface on its way to harmlessly flop to the ground.

"Would you stop that, it's just as likely to hit you than me!" It called from the other end of the room from behind the wall – when did it get there? – tone dripping with exasperation in its attempt to defuse the situation. Seeing as it seemed open to reasoning, Sam lowered his gun ever so slightly to ease the thing into talking. "What do you mean?" reasonable enough question given the circumstances, maybe it would answer the other two questions as well.

"What do I – what do you mean! How did you even get here I thought that b*#£%$@ had completely abandoned this place! Nothing's changed in so long, I was starting to think he's dead! How do you not know how toon logic works here."

What? This caught all of them off guard, "What like fricken Looney Toons? Who are you, you're the weirdest lookin' thing I've ever seen and believe me that's sayin something!" Dean spoke up for the first time since the door opened, he normally wasn't the one to reason with the monster of the week, but this was anything but a normal hunt, he could see that now.

The thing peered further around the corner a light bulb appearing in the empty space over its head after a few moments it hesitantly spoke "Look I'll answer your questions if you answer mine, deal? I've never seen you around before"

Dean wasn't exactly thrilled about the idea of making deals with anything anymore, but it seemed more likely to run if they didn't agree. Besides it isn't like it wants your soul, you've worked with monsters before only difference now is you have no idea what it is he calmly tacked on to make this a better option. Sam was already agreeing before Dean had made his mind up.

"Fine, deal. Just what happened here? Does this have anything to do with Joey Drew? Who are you- what are you?" Sam really needed to think through his actions a bit more, Dean was supposed to be the impulsive one.

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