Dean puts his foot in it

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When they regained consciousness, the first thing Henry saw through pain-glazed and ink-sodden vision was the Winchesters, Sam had a death grip on the boards covering up the door, and Dean...

Dean was beside them staring in absolute horror at his feet, more accurately at his left foot that had crossed the boundary into the sygil




shit, shIt, ShIt, sHiT, SHIT! The literal only thing they told him not to do and what did he do? He stepped right in it! Well at least it was only one of them, this is going to end with a migraine isn't it? Speaking of-

"ugh my head, what happened. . ."

Of course, there were some things they didn't need the script to say. Slowly standing, they turned to look at Dean – who apparently hadn't noticed yet, too absorbed in staring at the inked-out line on the floor – then to Sam who seemed to have shaken himself from whatever had fallen over him after they lost consciousness.

"You never told us that was going to happen! The second you stepped in this place looked like it wanted to bury us!" Sam yelled, causing Dean and Cas to return to themselves – having both been spiraling as to what this now meant for the hunter.


"It... The whole room shook? Sure, no one's ever been with me here but I never..." they trailed off, ink splattered from them in a way Sam was sure wasn't meant to happen, the toon half drooping as it spiled off them. Sighing Sam backed off, picked up the ax, and began work on the door- rotten boards falling away as if sponge with each hit. It was therapeutic in a way he hadn't expected.

"Well, I guess there's only one thing to do: press on. See if we can find another way out" Even changing the script by one word burned deep in their throat. Not enough had changed for the script to falter, until then anything and everything that happened went by the script. At least it meant the danger here was routine.

As the final board fell the group pilled out of the room, Henry shooting a glance at Dean now and then while the man stared straight ahead. It would probably be fine... right? So long as the ink hadn't gotten inside him it would be ok.

"how'd this place get so big?" Henry muttered, best to just say whatever was scripted and hope no one would hear. Of course, they get an odd look from Castiel, but they didn't care what an angel thought of them.

As they passed by the coffins that were lined against the wall, Sam pulled out the strange device stopping short of looking around the room with it when he caught sight of the coffins. No, the names on the coffins, the faint glow shining on his face.

"The hell is that?"

"I don't know but look- "

"Oh yeah, that. I don't really know where it came from, whether I made it and just can't remember or it was Alison or, hell, even that b0^*&^@ made it. Either way whoever or whatever made it, the messages it reveals are pretty much the only thing to remain when the loop restarts."

"Why did you give it to me in the first place then?"



"Look I thought you could use all the help you could get alright? I've seen those things enough times to have them memorized by now on a good 'day', so that when we get split up – yes 'when' don't give me that look I know that enough has happened already that we might as well consider being splitting up as a possibility – when that happens, you won't be entirely on your own. But we need to keep moving if we ever want the chance to leave here."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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