Chapter 2

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The movie finished and I looked up at Shane. He was asleep. So I clicked out of the movie and scrolled through the options trying not to wake him up, I clicked on the labyrinth and pressed play adjusting the volume so I could hear it but it wouldn't wake up Shane. 

I was about half way through the movie when I felt Shane move and wake up.

"Oh shit sorry didn't mean to fall asleep" He said rubbing his eyes 

"Nah it's okay, did you go to sleep late last night?" I looked up at him from his chest


"Do you know what the time is?" He asked

"Uhhh, 5:36pm" I replied going back to the movie

"Damn I've been asleep for a while, why didn't you wake me up?" 

"Because you looked tired"

"Yeah but still-"

"No buts, now just watch the movie" I said

Shane always felt guilty when he would fall asleep with people over no matter how tired he was he'd always try to stay awake, a habit I have tried to get him out of. 

"What are we watching now?" he said laying back down with me

"The Labyrinth" 

"I love this movie" He said excitedly

"I know" I smiled softly pressing play 


The movie finished and he turned off the laptop checking the time.


"You wanna go down stairs and annoy people?" Shane asked

"Obviously" I replied getting up from his bed and walking to the door with him following

We walked down the stairs and to where Taylors home studio is and walked in. Dave and Taylor were talking and drumming on their laps 

"Hey kids" Dave said looking at up at us 

"hi" Shane and I said in unison

"Oh god, what happened" Taylor said looking between us 

"Nothing happened" I told him While walking over  to the drums and taking a  seat on the stool

"Then why are you here?" Dad asked

"Are we not allowed to hang out with our dads while they're working now?" I asked 

"You never want to hang out with us while we're working" Dave replied

"Well now we do" Shane said stepping in

"Okay" Dave turned around slowly, squinting at us suspiciously 

When the two of them had turned around I looked at Shane and waved him over to the drum kit

"How are we supposed to annoy them?" I whispered as he sat down next to the stool

"I don't know we are usually amazing at this" He whispered back 


"Wait we could take the drumsticks?" He said looking down at the pair I held in my hands

"We could but I'm pretty sure you guys have another pair don't you?" I replied


"We could just go old school and just start drumming obnoxiously" I said bluntly

"Yep, I'll get on the other kit" 

He got up and walked over to the other kit across from me sitting in the stool and spining the drum sticks in his hand, he nodded at me signaling to me was ready and we both started to play the same drum fill.

"Oh my god are you two actually doing this right now?" Dave practically yelled over the noise

"Yep!" I yelled back hitting the drums as hard as I possibly could

We continued to play for five more minutes before I couldn't be bothered anymore and stopped I looked over at Shane who was still playing and laughed a little trying to catch my breath, I hadn't done that in a while. Shane finally stopped drumming and looked at me his hair everywhere and sweat on his forehead. We made eye contact I nodded towards the door and got up and started running for the door almost tripping over, Shane followed close behind as we bolted up the stairs to his room.

"Well that was fun" I said with my hands on my hips trying my best to ease my breathing

"Yeah, we should annoy people like that more often" He replied looking at me

I laughed gently before nodding and flopping back onto his bed. He joined me and we both just stared at the ceiling.

I liked the quite moments like this, the moments where we didn't have to say anything and still be content.

Word count: 717

A/n Hey hope you like this chapter sorry if it was too short or too long im struggling a bit with my motivation and trying to think of new ideas and the fact that i have no plan for this what so ever but thank you for reading.

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