Chapter 9

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Shane's POV:

Dave dropped us off at my house after Evelyn was done packing.

"Evelyn!" Mom said as we walked in pulling the short girl into a hug

"Good to see you again. I see Shane hasn't annoyed you too much yet." She laughed letting her go

"Good to see you too Allison, and no Shane has not annoyed me but there is still time." Evelyn responded with a small grin making its way onto her face

"Hey! I do not annoy people." I chimed in putting an arm around Evelyns shoulder looking down at her

"Mhm sure." Eves said looking up at me

"Rude." I replied taking her bag

"We're gonna go upstairs for a little bit." I said turning to my Mom

"Okay, also honey can you keep the noise down your Dads trying to work."

"Will do." I nodded before grabbing Eves hand and taking her upstairs

We got inside and I put her bag down.

"OMG EVELYN!" I heard Annabelle yell from the door

"HIIIIII!" Eves responded with the same enthusiasm going up to my sister and giving her a big hug

"I didn't know you were coming over."

"Well it was a kind of a last minute desicion."

I just stood there listening to them talk and catch up.  I felt extremely awkward.

"Ah I see Shane still doesn't want to let you be by yourself." Annabelle said bluntly

"Hey! Eves can be alone if she wants to be I just asked if she wanted to stay over dumbass." I said attempting to save myself

I heard Eves chuckle slightly at my pathetic attempt of saving myself.

"Shane don't even try to hide it you love her too much to let her be by herself."  Annabelle laughed with Evelyn

"Fuck off." I said a small amount of blush rising to my cheeks

"Rude." I heard my sister say

"Anyway I shall leave you two love birds to do whatever. Bye!" She said walking out of the room waving dramatically

Oh my god. Does my entire family want embarass me? Cause it sure felt like they did.

"Sorry bout that." I said awkwardly rubbing the back of my kneck

"It's okay Shane you don't have to apologize." Eves replied

"Anyway what should we do?" She continued


"YESSS." She replied excitedly

I laughed. How was it possible for a human being be that cute.

God I am so screwed.

I grabbed my laptop and sat down on the bed next to Evelyn before logging in and pulling up netflix.

"What do you want to watch?" I aksed

"No I chose the last ones that we watched you choose this time." Eves responed sternly

"Eves it's okay just pick a movie."

"No. Pick a movies Shane." She argued back

"Eves." I sighed

"Shane." She replied even more sternly than before

I realized that there was no arguing with her so I just sighed and started scrolling through the movies when a light bulb went off in my head. I clicked on a movie that I knew Evelyn obsessed over.

"You smart bitch." I heard Evelyn mumble from besisde me

"Yep." I smirked

The intro credits to 'Ten things I hate about you' started playing and I could tell that Evelyn was very excited to watch this again.

"See princess, never argue with me." I smirked

"Yeah, yeah, just shush and watch the movie." She rolled her eyes trying hard to repress a smile

Word count: 638

A/N: Hi sorry it's a bit of a shorter chapter but I'm trying to upload as much as possible on here but let me know what you guys would prefer
Shorter but more frequent updates
Longer but less frequent updates.
But anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter again I apologize for any spelling mistakes and missused words.Byeeeee

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