💔 RUN! (Villain! Katsuki Bakugou x Childhood-friend! Reader)

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(A/n: I'm back bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes. I've had this one written for a while so sorry if it's cringe. Ive got more to upload, im just a bit lazy lmao. Enjoy!!!)



I was running as fast as my legs could go.

No matter where I ran, I couldn't find him.


Katsuki. My Katsuki.

"Kacchan?" I call out into the dark streets.

We had gotten separated in an unexpected villain attack

~ Flashback ~

We were walking in the mall. Suddenly, Katsuki had stopped. He was looking at the ceiling.

"Everything okay, Kacchan?" I asked.

Then, he pushed me away from him with all the strength he could muster.

What happened next, I could not believe.

The roof had caved in.

Ignoring the citizens I had knocked over, I did what any person would do.

"Katsuki, are you okay?!" I screamed for him.

Tears stung my eyes as I received no response.

"Katsuki! Answer me! Please!" I shout.
"Quit whining, I'm fine. Just a few scratches." He barks.

I rest my head on a settled piece of concrete.

"It's not just a scratch, is it?" I asked.

He was silent for a moment.

"No, I lost an arm." He says, his voice sounding so sad.

Really?! He lost his arm pushing me out of the way?!

"You shouldn't have pushed me away!" I yelled.
"I'm just joking! Calm your ass down."

Rage filled my entire being.

"Dammit, Katsuki! That shit's not funny!" I scolded him
"I know, I know!" He laughs.

We were silent again.

"What's the fastest way to get the civilians out of here without exploding things? There could be ones that are trapped under the rubble." I asked, growing serious.
"We gotta find a way off the second floor. Look for emergency exits." He responds.
"Got it."

I searched around, finding the fire stairway.

"I've got one exit, how about you?" I ask.
"None. Fuck." He mutters.
"Well, you got two options. Either you blow a hole in the side of this building, OR we slowly start moving rubble and looking for trapped people. Both are stupid, one wrong move and someone can die."
"That's true, but looking for people is time-consuming."
"We'll first make a path through and let people out, then begin searching."
"Let's do that."


We had cleared out enough rubble to let everyone on his side out.

"I'm glad to see your o-" I begin, before jumping back to avoid tumbling concrete.

BIG tumbling concrete.

"Kacchan, I've got a bad feeling about this."
"Me too."

Footsteps ring through the people-less area.

"Quit pacin-" He starts.
"That's not me." I cut him off.
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I hear Katsuki yell to get the person to identify themselves.

I quickly turned, seeing a shadow playing with my perivials.

No, it's not a shadow. It's a dark cloaked figure. I can't even see their face.

"If you're a civilian, leave." I call out.
"I'm no civilian." The cloaked figure speaks.

Their voice is androgynous.

"(Y/n), get out of here." Katsuki warns.
"Are you crazy? No!" I bark back.

"I'm not here for them, Katsuki. I'm here for you." The figure speaks.

"Get out of here, (Y/n). I can handle this bitch. Call them damn evac teams." Katsuki grunts.

"You can go free, (Y/n). I won't stop you." The figure person said.

"Go, I'll be fine." Katsuki says calmly.
"They're targeting you, Kacchan. You don't even know what kind of quirk they have."
"I don't need to know. I'll kick their ass, quirk or not!" He growls.

"Don't get so cocky, Katsuki." They said.

Then, everything went black.


I woke up laying on the stretcher.

Outside the mall.

How the fuck?

I shot to my feet, running to head inside, much to the protests of the paramedics.

Right as I got to the entrance, a uniformed cop stopped me.

"There's no civilians in there. Everyone's been evacuated." He said.
"But there's a hero and villain in there!" I exclaimed.
"No, there's not. The building is clear."

Katsuki would run off without me.

Would he?

"Did Ka- Dynamite leave already? Is he in the hospital?" I question.
"He wasn't in the building when we arrived. Only civilians that were trapped."

Oh my god! Oh my fucking God!

I had began my search for Katsuki.

~ End of Flashback ~

"Kacchan?!" I repeat, but louder.
"Right here, babe." His voice sounds from behind me.

Bitch, what?!

"Did you call me 'babe?' "
"What? No, you're hearing shit, dumbass." He smirks.

I run into his arms.

Something's not right. I can feel it. Just the way how his body doesn't tense up when-

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" He asks.
"I'm fine. Just a few scratches on my back."
"Lemme see."

I slowly turn and begin to lift the edge of my shirt.

Something wrong. I need to run.

Something damp got pressed to my mouth as his arm wrapped around my body.

I scratched at Katsuki's hand, digging my nails into his flesh. A violent way to plead for him to get go.

The street lights were fading.

My muffled words- no, pleads- for him to let go didn't seem to reach his ears.

My hearing is starting to dull.

"Good night, love."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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