💔💌 Don't leave me! (Katsuki Bakugou x Sucidal! reader)

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Requested by SakaGurahamu

(I wanna commit suicide so hahahaha lets gooo)

☡ Warning: Suicidal thoughts and actions! ☡

So, a/n from forever later, someone did a fanfiction reading and THIS was a story they chose to read. My sister discovered it and I bout died.

Here it is ^ (Eluzza MLP on Yt) they made it sound so much more graceful ♡


I stood on the ledge (roof) during lunchtime, letting the wind blow on my skirt.

Maybe I should do it. Maybe I should just jump. It's not like anyone's gonna care. Like Aizawa said, I'm just a problem child. All I ever do is start shit and disappoint people. Goddammit, I hate myself. I'm just such a mistake.

"Oi, brat, are ya out here?" Bakugou said, opening the door and peeking his head out.
"Yeah, I'm right here." I said quietly.
"What are ya doing over there?" He asks.
"Nothing, it's fine." I lie, backing away from the edge.
"Are ya sure?"
"Yeah, I'm absolutely positive."
"If you fucking say so."

We went back inside as the bell rung.

"Well, nerd, I'll see you in class." Bakugou snarled.

- Time Skip -

Soon we got to the dorms. I was in my room with the lights off. I had a razor blade in my hand, and cuts on my arms.

"Why can't I make anyone happy anymore? Why can't people love me anymore? What did I ever do wrong to them?!" I grip onto my hair, letting my bloody fingers get lost in the tangled mess.


My phone goes off but I decide to ignore it.

Today's the day. I don't care anymore. I won't care what people will think.

I make my way up to the roof. Soon, the tears came rolling. I wrote out a note and pinned it down with a rock.

To whom it may concern,

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to go down this way. I know I'm supposed to be a hero. But, I guess I'm not strong enough. With my story, it would be enough to make a great hero or villain. Or reason to die.

I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want to make you worry. You already have a lot on your plates and I don't want to add more to it. I'm taking care of my own problems.

I'm sorry, Midoriya. I'm sorry, Uraraka. I'm sorry, Tsu. I'm sorry, Iida. I'm sorry, Jiro. I'm sorry, Kirishima. I'm sorry, Momo. I'm sorry, Todoroki. I'm sorry, Sato. I'm sorry, Ojiro. I'm sorry, Aoyama. I'm sorry, Tokoyami. I'm sorry, Kaminari. I'm sorry, Shoji. I'm sorry, Koda. I'm sorry, Sero. I'm sorry, Mina. I'm sorry, Hagakure. I'm sorry, Mr. Aizawa.

Most of all, I'm sorry, Katsuki Bakugou.

(Y/n) (L/n)


I stepped closer to the edge.

Now, here's the true game of seeing if heaven or hell exists.

I jump.

"(Y/n)!" An aggressive voice shouts, before I get jerked up by the collar of my shirt.
"(Y/n), what the fuck are you doing?!" He yelled, jerking me back up to the roof.

I get turned around, seeing an angry and sad Bakugou.

"I- I- What the hell are you doing here?" I scream at him.
"Stopping you from killing yourself! Shit! Look at me, (Y/n)!" Bakugou jerked my head up with one of his hands.
"You're not leaving me alone with all these shitty extras! Especially not on Valentine's day!" He said, looking me in the eyes.
"Why do you fucking care?!" I shout.
"I fucking have feelings for you! If I let you die, think of how much it's gonna hurt everyone around you, especially me! I love you! I want to protect you from everything! I don't want you hurt! I want to hold you in my arms and protect you from everything! Please! Please don't kill yourself! You're too good to lose! If you died, I couldn't live with myself! So, don't you fucking- Don't leave me!"


If you ever want to die/commit suicide, don't be afraid to hit me up (and there could be others to talk to)!

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