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Maria's pov
Me and Natasha walked inside my house.she looked at it from the interior up and down shivering"you cold?"I asked her,she nodded her head."okay well let me give you a quick tour and then I'll get you comfy"i say as I began walking and so did she.

"This obviously the living room"i said pointing it out,she looked intensively to the room.we walked in a few hallways I showed her everything around the house "and finally your room"i said as I led her through a door into a nice warm room.

"Beautifull"she said her shoulders relaxed more and she sat on the bed.i sat next to her "so it pains me to ask was it in the red room"i asked her looking slightly her direction.

"I-it was....alot they tortured you...make You do stuff that you'll regret, don't....don't get me wrong but I-i didn't like killing wasn't at all so fun..I mean it-it wasn't fun at all"she Stammerd on as I smiled slightly at her cute stutters.

"Well....not to go in personal.but you said they make you do stuff you regret what do you mean by that" I asked her looking at her side profile.since her head was now way lower and she speaks looking at the ground.

"We-well.....they made me...kill her...i swear i-i did-didnt m-mean to im-im s-sorry"she said stutters in every word.i lift her chin up making her look at me"hey-hey no isn't your fault okay had no control over your own body...just like you said...they made you do it you have nothing to be sorry you"i said staring into her green orbs.

Just then A tear rolled down  her cheek,I pressed my thumb to her cheek letting my thumb absorb the tear."can...can I hug you?" I asked her tilting my head,she hesitated before nodding.

I moved closer to her and brought her head to my chest.wrapping my arms around her tightly making sure she securely was in my arms.

She started crying her tears falling onto my shirt.i silently said an 'awe' but she surely didn't hear.i placed my head onto hers letting it stay there.

As some minutes passed she stoped crying.her body relaxed into my chest, poor thing must have been tired i thougt to myself,I gently picked her up and moved the covers,then putting her onto the bed as I put her head slowly onto the pillows and letting the covers wrap over her.

Her soft breathing,her chest rising with every breath she took.her eyes closed.she looked at peace,

I smiled softly and he stated on doing this at first but sooner I placed a gentle kiss onto her for head,before exiting the room letting her take a nice nap.

Word count:500

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