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493 12 33

Six months didn't feel like six, more like a year at that. But, it wasn't any different for him.

Noah spent these last months in a cycle. Morning ruined by his family, heading to school, spending time with his girlfriend, maybe a one-time date every week or so, and then back home to eat, do homework, and sleep.

Owen or Izzy would abruptly change that whole schedule, keeping Noah up to midnight on weekdays.

At times, he'd like to say 'fuck off, I'm trying to sleep,' but it felt all too cruel for Noah to even say. Kitty's just been giving out his landline non–stop to everybody he knew.

Well, almost everybody.

That person had come into his mind on December 7th, when Noah had just come back from school.

This whole "being famous" thing ticks him off, a lot. It's like he can't get any solitude. Not like he ever got any in his house but, at school, he was at least nonexistent!

Just a normal guy running for junior class president who was also on the debate team, nothing special. Ever since Noah came back, it seemed like that was impressive.

Thankfully, he wasn't getting all the 'king and queen treatment,' but people looked at him differently, even some of his teachers.

It doesn't help that Kitty, his girlfriend's younger sister, was also on the debate team. Every Wednesday they'd have a meeting after school, and every time Kitty had some fan coming up to her, which of course made the opportunity to drag Noah along came.

Not today though, Noah just wanted to sleep. No homework, no studying to do, it's a free day, and Kitty's not ruining that.

Finishing off their meeting for today's week, Noah looked at the clock nearby, seeing it to be five o'clock on the dot.


He'll give her a bit of credit for pronouncing his name right this time but, the brunette walked off anyhow, pretending not to hear his name being called several times, each time being even more painful.

Here comes the storm that Noah is definitely going to avoid today. Well, almost definitely.

Kitty eventually reached up to him, clasping her hand onto his shoulder, making him flinch as he stopped his footsteps.

"Noah! Good pal, great junior president! Where ya going?" Kitty asked.

If Noah was a senior, he'd definitely would play the role of bullying freshman right now, because Kitty was just begging for it.

"Home?" Noah said, turning to Kitty. "Ever thought, 'Noah must have to put his college applications in!' "

It's not like he hasn't started, but they're due in January. Kitty wouldn't have to experience this sort of thing for at least a few more years.

Kitty glared, ignoring the wretched voice impression from Noah.

"No, because all you do is take my sister hostage." Kitty deadpanned.

Noah mirrored the same expression. "I'm sure I'm her knight in shining armor from taking her away from the gremlin."

Kitty gasped, putting her hand to her chest. Somebody was rubbing off on her way too much. "What?! Gremlin?! What do you know about gremlins?!"

"The Hobbit??" Noah said like it should've been apparent.

No, he didn't read The Hobbit because some guy recommended it, Noah's not that kind of guy.

Kitty clicked her tongue, pointing at him as she wagged her finger. "You know – This might be totally ridiculous.."

"Definitely ridiculous," Noah muttered.

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