Missing Evidence

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Chapter 7

   Sorry last chapter was a little bit boring; I will try to make this one more interesting.

   McKenzie was the one to ask the most obvious question.

‘Can you show us your fire?’

‘No, I don’t know how to control it yet, but what I can do is take you to my mentors house, I’ll just text him at ask if it’s all goods.’

‘Okay, that’s fine with me.’

   I receive a message back, my friends get over excited. I open it and it says yeah, but in an hour and a half, I tell them this and they look kind of disappointed.

   During the time we had to wait, we talked. A lot. About everything and anything, when we get together there are heaps of topics jumping. Normally I would be talking, but today I was just really laid back, I was glad someone else new about my abnormality, if you could call it that. To be honest, I’m actually thinking of going to live with Will, I don’t how to raise the question though, his house has become more like home than mine is at the moment, my 16th birthday is coming up soon so my parents won’t get a say in it. I decide to raise the subject with my friends.

‘Hey, guys what do you think of me moving, like out of home?’

   They all looked completely shocked at this subject. They didn’t know what to say, I could see their. Jayde was the first to answer.

‘Oh my gosh, are you for real? Where would you move to? Are you going to your mentor’s house?’

   Those entire questions came out so fast, it sounded as if her mouth just turned into a mini turkey. I didn’t know how to answer them, I had only been thinking about this during church service. I decide to answer them one at a time.

‘Well yeah I am serious, why would I say it if I wasn’t?’

‘Maybe because…’ Mickey starts to say.

‘Gosh Mickey, you could be a bit blonde sometimes, it was a rhetorical question.’

‘Oops sorry,’ She laughs ‘It reminds me of how I asked Jayde, why the top of her shirt is the same colour as the bottom, DUH! blonde, it was the same shirt.’

‘Ha-ha, yeah. Anyway, well Jayde you answered the next question with your last question.’

   They all look at bit confused, so I decide to clear it all up for them.

‘Well, I’m considering moving in with Will, my mentor.’

‘Aw, you guys are on first-name, nick-name bases, that’s so cute.’

‘Ew, gosh I know what you’re thinking Bella but it’s not like that at all, yucky.’

‘Naw, what is he ugly?’ They say at the same time.

   At that point, my phone vibrated.

‘Hold up guys, that’s my phone.’

   They instantly shut-up, I could feel the excitement radiating off them, and it’s quite funny actually.

‘Let’s go, I’ll drive.’

    We practically run back to the house to grab my keys, I start the engine and we race to Will’s house. Once we get there, they are anxious to get out of the car, it’s only 2 door so Mickey and Bella are stuck in the back, I deliberately get out slowly, Mickey is sitting behind me, and she lets out an impatient ‘Humph’, I had to laugh.

   Once we are in his house, the girls instantly whisper between them, I catch snippets of it.

‘OMG, he’s hot.’ Says Mickey

   I just shot her a meaningful glare. If I heard, I’m sure Will did. I glance in his direction, and sure enough he is posing to the girls, I have to laugh. I ran up to him, I whisper in his ear.

‘I’m sorry for them.’ Giving him a hug.

   That was the only way to say that without the girls hearing, sure enough when I step back he is sitting back in the same posing position, Bella is giving us a wolf whistle. I just yell at her.


   That got them to shut-up, I heard I few AW’s, and saw a few disappointed looks.

‘Unless you want to have him, Bella.’

‘Why me?’

‘Because you clearly think he’s hot, if you wolf-whistled at him.’

   Her smile enhances, just then Will changes his position, I shot him a look of thankfulness. He jumps up off the couch and tells us to sit down.

‘Girls, I only let you come today because you are so close to my sister.’ He points at Alex as he leaves the room.

‘Why’d he leave?’ Asks Bells

‘I wouldn’t have clue.’

‘Mhmm.’ Says Bells, staring at the spot Will was just at.

  Gosh she could just marvel over him all day! It’s really annoying. Will came back with a box of things that looked to be old kitchen utensils, also what seemed to be explosives that he just sets down by his feet.

‘Okay Alex. Guess what we are doing for the rest of the afternoon?’

‘Uh, target practice I guess.’ Answers Bella

‘Spot on.’ He winks at her, her face goes all dreamy like.

‘BELLA!’ I slap her.

   Will stands there laughing, I shot him another glare but this time it’s full of annoyance.

‘Okay girls, let’s go to the farm.’

‘Woo!’ They say

‘Oh crap.’ I say

    We walk to his back paddock, I never realised how big his house was. Set out right in front of me was 7 targets, and more explosives.

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