The Boy And The Wolf

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Before you continue to read this chapter, I just want you all to know that there's lemon up ahead, and also, this is the last chapter of the story, so I hope you guys like it! :D

Juno paused her video game before looking back at (Y/n), who was shocked frozen with blush on his face.

He's never seen Juno..... Like this!

He didn't know what else to do at the moment, besides slowly move his gaze away from Juno.

"Are you okay? You seem..... Out of it heh," Juno asked with a smirk.

(Y/n) snapped out of his frozen state before looking at Juno again.

"Y-yeah....." (Y/n) answered awkwardly.

He found it hard to look at her casually, as his eyes kept glancing at Juno's bottom, like if it were magnetic.

(Y/n) never really noticed because he's never seen her like before but now he could note just how curvaceous her body was shaped.

'Why is she dressed like that!?

Does she feel hot?

Is it just to be comfortable?

Is she..... No!

It's not even heat season!

And..... where's her friend Shiela?

Am I really alone with her!?' (y/n) thought to himself.

"*Giggle* Come lay down with me, just take off your shoes first," Juno invited.

"Um..... Okay" (y/n) replied before removing his footwear and placing it next to the door.

He then slowly walked up to Juno.

"Hold up- let me move my cereal, sorry about that, I got a little hungry," Juno said as she moved her bowl of cereal to the side, placing it on top of a small shelf next to her.

"Okay, you can lay down now," Juno advised, scooting over and tapping the empty side to her bed.

(Y/n) gently laid down on his stomach next to her.

After getting situated, Juno smiled and asked, "So..... What game do you wanna play?

I was playing Pokken, we can play that if you want or you can choose another one of my games, I've got a few....." Juno  said.

(Y/n) stood quiet for a moment.

He then shook his head, getting a grip of himself and told her what game he wanted to play.


After around 30 minutes, (y/n), and Juno took a break from playing.

During that time, (y/n) felt more relaxed next to Juno, almost forgetting how she was dressed.

Juno took a breath before turning over and laying on her back.

"*Huff!* That was fun....." Juno commented.

(Y/n) turned over, laying on his back as well.

"Yeah, heh....." (Y/n) added.

The wolf girl looked over to her boyfriend, before calling him, "Hey,    (y/n)?"

"What's up?" (Y/n) replied, looking over to her.

"Can we..... Cuddle? Just for a bit?" Juno asked.

(Y/n) blushed before nodding, giving her permission.

Juno then turned over, laying on her right side while (y/n) laid on his left side.

"Hmm....." Juno hummed.

Bloody Fur (Juno x Male Human Reader) 18+Where stories live. Discover now