Chapter 21

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Cole's POV:

It's been a month since Claire's death, and believe me when I say that I'm hurt by it too. I know Jared is heartbroken, and it kills me to see my beta and best friend like this. I don't know how he feels, and I understand why he wants to be alone, but I just want to help him. The only he person who he let into his room was Ariel, and honestly I don't mind, as long as she makes him feel better I'm okay with it.

Jared losing Claire opened my eyes more to see how lucky I am to have a mate. I have been trying to get Ariel to forgive me, but she keeps on rejecting me. I know that I deserve all of this, but I don't know what else to do. I've been apologizing everyday.

When she told me that I needed to be with Jared than trying to win her back, I didn't understand what she meant. If I wasn't trying to get her to forgive me, I was trying to get Jared to talk to me. I also don't know what she wants me to do in order for me to be forgiven. She said that I had to show her that I;m really sorry, but I don't know how.

"You idiot, she wants you to show her how much you love her, don't tell her your sorry, surprise her. Do something that will show her you really do love her. Get off your ass and try to do something that will take her breath away. And make sure it comes from your heart and not your dick."

"Woah wolfie, where have you been this whole time. And don't you think I'm trying?"

"I've been here the whole time Cole, you weren't the only one who lost their beta female, remember I had a connection with her. And you're not trying hard enough. Just figure this out Cole, I want my mate."

With that, he stopped talking and went who knows where. He was right though, I need to take it up a notch and show Ariel just how sorry I am. I'm going to give her the biggest surprise ever.

Ariel's POV:

I was walking in the woods, it's been about an hour since I had walked out of school, and I was trying to calm down. I don't know why, but my anger wasn't going down, and I was starting to get hot. I tried to contact my wolf, but she blocked me away from her.

I kept walking until I reached a lake. It was in a secluded area, and it was beautiful. The lake was super clear, and you could see some of the fishes swimming in the water. It was a beautiful sight to see, I used to come here when Bruce would be drunk and it was easy to sneak out. I had found this place when Nick and I broke up. I don't know why, but my wolf had guided me here during that time, and I haven't told anyone about it.

As I was walking towards the water, I let my leg snap. I started screaming, then my my other leg snapped, right after my arms snapped. I was writhing on floor screaming like my life depended on it. Every bone in my body was breaking and I don't know why. I was on the floor crying when I heard my mom's voice telling me to embrace the pain.

"Ariel honey, listen to me, you have to let this happen, you are shifting, and you have to embrace the pain. I know it hurts right now, but the only thing you can do is let it happen. The more you relax the faster your shift will take."

"Okay mom I'll try, will you be here with me?"

"Yes I will baby, even if you can't see me I'm always here, now you have to focus Ariel, let the short take over."

Before I could ask what she meant, more pain erupted from my body, I tried to relax as much as I can, when I suddenly felt myself become stronger. Suddenly, darkness engulfed me and I blacked out.

When I woke up, I was still at the lake. I'm pretty sure I wasn't out for a long time because the sun was still up. I stood up when I realized that I got taller. Looking down, I saw that I had paws.

"Ariel, are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't tell you that we were going to shift, but I wasn't able to."

"It's okay, I understand, but that was freaking painful, is it going to be like this every time I shift?"

"No, it will hurt the first few times you shift, but after that, you will only feel a little snap. Anyways, go look at our reflection in the lake, we're beautiful."

I slowly got up and walked to the lake. I truly hoped we looked beautiful, as I looked in the water I saw my reflection and gasped. My fur was a bright red, and it wasn't as red as my hair, it was darker. It was almost black, but you could tell that it was red. But the most beautiful thing about my wolf were my eyes, one of it was a bright green, but the other one was a bright shining red. I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing, but I thought it was amazing.

The weird thing about my fur was that it was a solid red, there was not a spot of brown or black at all, which is unusual because most wolves didn't have solid color fur unless they were alphas.

"Beautiful aren't we?" my wolf said

"We're gorgeous, but why are we different?"

"That is because we are different, we are stronger than most wolves, in fact we are the strongest wolf there is behind the moon goddess. No, we are not her daughter or anything like that. We do have an important role in the werewolf world, but we don't have any big super powers. You see how our eyes different colors?"

"Yes, but why?"

"Remember when our mom told you that we have a dark side and a good side?"

"Yes of course I do, what does that mean?"

"Well, our eyes represent both the dark and good side. The bright emerald green eyes represent the good side, and the bright blood red eyes represent the dark side. Yes they are beautiful, but remember the eyes are the window to your soul. And it all depends on you which side you choose. If you go through the good side, you will always help everyone around you and save many lives, but if you go down the dark path, you will destroy everything in your path. Now that you have shifted, you will be stronger, faster, and smarter but that's about it, we don't have any superpowers or anything like that because we are still somewhat normal. But know this Ariel, there will be times when you will lose some control on your strength, and it will not be pretty, so the faster we learn control, the safer everyone will be. And always remember, you'll always have me and your mother here to help you."

With that, my wolf left me to my own thoughts. I know I can do this, but I don't know how long it will take me. I'm going to try not to get angry at anyone, and I know it will be hard with Stacy, but I don't want to hurt anyone. As long as I have my wolf and mom to help me get throughout his, I think I'll be ok.

"Oh, and one more thing Ariel, I think you should forgive Cole. I'm not saying to run into his arms and take him back, but at least forgive him, he truly is sorry and he wants to make it up to you. He still has to work his way into us fully trusting him yes, but I know that he really feels guilty and loves us."

I guess she's right, I mean he has been begging for my forgiveness for a month. I mean he even went down on his knees and begged. Looking back, I sort of feel like an ass for giving him the cold shoulder like that, but he did deserve it. My wolf is right though, I think it's time to forgive him, but not get back together with him.

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