Chapter 8

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Ariel's POV:

This whole week has been hell for me. At home, my father and Nick would take turns having their ways with me, and after they would chain me up and torture me in the basement. They would slice, burn, cut, and touch everything on my body except for my face, they were afraid people at school would suspect something and call the cops. It wasn't like anyone at school cared though, after the rejection,everyone ignored me, and others would push me, trip me, Punch me, spit on me, and called me names. It was like everywhere I went, I was always hurt.

Cole, my sweet,handsome mate, didn't even spare me a single glance after his rejection. It was like I never existed to him. I could still feel the mate bond between us, and for that I was glad. Everyday I see him I would always think that he was joking with me, but as the week flew by, my hopes came down.

Right now, I was hiding in my room with the door locked. Surprisingly, Bruce hasn't come home yet so I decided to lock my door and hide in my closet. I knew that when he got home, he would be drunk and angry. I was praying to the moon goddess that he would be gone for the rest of the day, but of course, I was never a lucky girl. I heard his truck park right in the driveway and him cursing. I didn't know what got him so mad, but I knew I was going to pay for it.

I decided to stay in my closet and hope for the best. Luckily, I heard him go into the kitchen and grab his beer. I knew that in no time, he would be knocked out from all the alcohol. Nights like these were my favorite, when he would just go straight to the fridge and drink his heart out until he was unconscious. Sometimes, he would cry for my mother, and those were the times I would be really frightened because he would start to get angry and blame me for her death. It's sad though isn't it, how I get happy when my father is knocked out drunk so he wouldn't beat me. Sometimes I don't blame him, I'm obviously a disgrace to werewolf and human kind I mean my own mate rejected me. I think I deserve these punishments, the moon goddess obviously made this happen because I'm ungrateful, so for now on, I'm going to be an empty shell of a girl, no more feelings, I'm just numb.

I have a feeling that I won't be able to hang on any longer though, I know I will snap at one point, whether it will be from school, or from my father and Nick. To top it off, I also have school tomorrow, but it is a good thing that I had time to heal some of my injuries.

I decided that I should get out of my closet since I hadn't heard any noises downstairs. For safety precautions, I would stay in my room until morning. Lifting my body out of the tiny space was hard, considering all of my cuts and bruises. I had to force myself to get up and get onto my bed. When I did reach it, I looked across my tiny room and saw my reflection on my mirror. I lifted up my shirt, and tears sprung to my eyes at the horrible sight. All the cuts and scars from my torture session yesterday was present. I didn't heal as quickly due to my wolf being weak. Seeing all these scars made all the images of what happened play in my head.

*warning the flashback is slightly gruesome*


I was chained to my basement walls with no clothes on, my father and Nick had already pleasured themselves, so they decided to give me my "reward".

My father stalked towards me with a small knife, I could tell that it was very sharp despite it's size,

"Lets see, where should I begin?" He said, as he began to draw the knife slowly on my my stomach, not hard, but enough to draw blood. He looked at me, then out of no where, he plunged the knife into my leg. I held back a scream, not wanting to satisfy him with one. He walked away, and I gave a sigh of relief, until I saw him come back with rubbing alcohol.

He pulled my face towards his and said, " maybe this will make you scream" and before I could blink, he poured the whole bottle on my leg. I bit my lip to hold back my screech, but it came out. He looked at me and smirked.

"Trust me b*tch that's just the beginning. I'll be back, but I don't want to leave you alone, so Nick will keep you company." After, he laughed and left the basement, but not before shutting it and locking it. I was glad that he was gone, until I realized that Nick was still here. I turned my head away from the door, and standing directly in front of me, was Nick. I looked at him, and not a second later, he slapped me. My whole head was sent to the right.


I was furious, I didn't know where I managed to gather all this confidence, but I turned my head and spit in his face. When I realized what I did, my whole face went pale, Nick's face turned to the deepest shade of red, it was like steam was escaping from his ears. Then, all of a sudden, his face went back to normal and he walked away. I was surprised and thought he would leave me alone, but I was far from right. He came back after a few minutes, with a table full of knives and whips. He still had his calm face on, and I knew I was in for it. Whenever he was calm, he would be at his worst. He slowly drew his hand from the knives to the whips. Then, he turned to me, with a sadistic smile and walked over to where I was changed. When he was a few feet away from me, he stopped and raised the whip.

"I'm going to enjoy disciplining you, I hope you learn from this to not disrespect me, I'm not going to hit your face, but anywhere else I will. I will whip every part of your body below the neck." He said, and that's when he brought the whip down.

When he said every part, he meant every part. He eventually turned me around and chained me with my stomach against the wall. I was crying so hard, I wasn't able to cry anymore, my voice was barely there and I was in so much pain. After, he grew tired of whipping me, and decided to draw nice lines on my stomach. I was covered in so much blood I was surprised I was still conscious.

After he cut me, he stopped for awhile, then Bruce came back home. I totally forgot about him, and when he came back I was even more scared. He walked in rather excited, and I soon found out why. The guys made a fire for an unknown reason, and it frightened me. I didn't know what I was going to endure next, and I hope it wasn't going to be bad. They then began to burn something in the fire, like a metal rod. After about ten minutes, they took it out and came toward me. Nick ran ahead and held me down, but I didn't know what for.

"If you know what's good for you, I would stay still." My father said,

I was confused until he got closer, my eyes widened at what he had in his hands, he was going to brand me. I starting squirming, then I started thrashing as he got closer. Nick held me down tighter, and I knew that I had no chance of escaping. When my father was right in front of me, he smirked and pushed the brand on my stomach. I screamed for mercy, but they only laughed. After what seemed like forever, he took it off and took off my chains.

He brought a mirror for me and said "Here see what we did, if you are going to be a slut, then you are going to be labeled a slut."

And there on my stomach, was the word slut. I began balling and they left me there in my self pity. I dragged myself to my room with the little ounce of energy I had left and cried myself to sleep.

~~flashback ends~~

The images of last night made me sick to my stomach, I was really sore and nothing helped. I don't even have enough strength to call for my mate. I'm weak and don't deserve anything, and with that in my mind, I fell into a horrible sleep, with the scene of Cole rejecting me.


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