Stay with me

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It was a bright and sunny day when Trunks woke up one morning. He slowly pushed himself up on his bed and yawned, stretching his arms wide. He got up off of his bed and started his morning routine which consists of taking a shower, changing into his usual clothes, brushing his lavender hair, brushing his teeth, and greeting his mother at the breakfast table right before digging into the delicious pancakes she always makes.

¨Morning Mom¨ he says, pulling the chair away from the table and sitting down. His mother walks out of the kitchen with a plate of blueberry pancakes and places the plate down in front of him, smiling softly. ¨Good morning honey, how was your trip to the other timeline?" Bulma asks, as Trunks picks up his fork and starts eating. Trunks swallows the piece of pancake that he had been munching on and takes a sip of orange juice. ¨I had fun. Dad wanted me to train with him and I met my new sister. Her name is Bulla and she's just the cutest thing ever!" Trunks responds, grinning cheekily.

Bulma smiles softly. "So I have a daughter in that timeline? I'm glad you have someone to protect, even though she doesn't exist here" she says, starting to eat the pancakes that she had in front of her. ¨Tell me all about your time there, dear" she smiles, wanting to know all about the little girl. Trunks places his fork down, wondering how he should start.

[3 days ago]

"Can't Catch Me Goten!" a younger trunks shout as he runs around capsule corps backyard, while a Goku copycat chases after him. Goten was about to catch Trunks when a machine appeared suddenly out of nowhere, surprising the two boys. The machine opens up to reveal Future Trunks. He steps out of the machine with his bag hooked over his shoulder and stretched. "God it feels great to finally be out of that thing" he mumbles, pressing the capsule button. He puts the capsule into his pocket and turns around to look at the younger version of himself and smiles. He ruffles the boy's hair and turns to Goten doing the same, before heading inside of capsule corp. Trunks and Goten look at each other, wondering who he was, before following him into the building.

Future Trunks walks through the building's halls in search of his mother, unaware of the children skillfully following him. He opens a few doors and continues searching when he doesn't see her. He pushes open the doors to her lab and spots her and Vegeta. He grins and walks into the room. "Hey! Ma! Dad!" he shouts, attracting their attention, mini trunks and Gotens eyes widening in shock. "Hey, ten... did that guy just call my parents Ma and Dad?" he whispers. Goten nods, equally shocked. Bulma smiles and walks up to Future trunks, wrapping her arms around his waist, "My Baby! Welcome back!" she grins. "Hello son," Vegeta says, placing his hand on Trunks head. 'Who is this guy? Do I have a brother I don't know about..?' mini trunks thought, conflicted.

"What are you doing here baby?" Bulma asks, when she finally pulls away from the hug. Trunks sighs as he puts his bag down and sits on a chair. "I came to visit since I haven't seen you guys in a while. I missed you guys.." he mumbles, turning slightly pink. "AWWWW Trunks honey!" Bulma squeals, engulfing him once more. "We missed you too!"

"Hey Trunks.. Did Mrs Bulma just call him Trunks?" Goten asks, confused. Mini Trunks nods. He then slams the door in, attracting they're attention. "Mom! Who is this guy?!" he shouts, pissed off. Bulma sighs and explains that Future Trunks is mini Trunks from the future. Mini Trunks looks at his older counterpart. "Your.. me?" he asks, slightly confused. Future Trunks smiles at his younger counterpart and nods. "Yeah, but so everyone don't get confused when calling for one of us, Just call me Mirai''

[Later that day]

"Hi.." Mirai mumbles, holding the little purple haired girl in his arms with a pink blush appearing on his cheeks. "My name is Mirai.. Im your older brother.." he coos, making the little girl giggle. "Tru-Mirai seems to be getting along really well with Bulla" Goku smiles, IT'ing next to Bulma, making her jump. "GOKU!" she shouts, knocking him over the head. "Owww... Bulma what was that for.." he wines. "That's for scaring me" she says, crossing her arms. She turns back to see Mirai swinging Bulla around with a smile on his face, as she giggles. Bulma smiles and nods. "Bulla does not exist in his timeline so I can understand why he's so excited," she says. "You're so pretty" Mirai continues to coo, rocking Bulla back and forth. "Hey Trunks!" Vegeta shouts, joining Bulma by her side. "Yeah dad?" Both Trunks say, turning to the man before looking at each other. Which one could he possibly be talking to? He sighs and crosses his arms, "The older one". Mirai smiles and hands Bulla to his younger counterpart. "Yeah dad?" He walks towards the man. Vegeta points towards the training room and walks away. Mirai smiles and runs after his father, following him to the training room, and later coming back out in need of a shower and sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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