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Mikey's pov
I opened my eyes to find my nunchucks on the side of the building. I run over to them and pick them up." Drop it you-you what are you? That's besides the point! Give me my NUNCHUCKS!" I turn to see a girl about my age with a black mask on covering her face. She has a katana strapped on her back.  Her golden hair seem to light a-flame. She started charging at me. I drop the nunchucks and flip over her head. She grabs her katana and  slices my knee. " Stop I just thought those were mine! First my brothers now you!! Could this day get any worse!!" I yell at her while gripping me knee. She stops and puts her hand out." I'm sorry. I just don't get a lot of company and I don't like people touching my things. Oh, my names Emily! Umm... What's yours??" I grab her hand and stand up." Call me... Midnight." ( yes this is going to be a Midnight fabric sorta thing!!) She looks at my knee and says, " I can help you fix that. Also, we can get to know eachother!!" She starts walking to an abandoned apartment and opens the door." Its not much but its home!!" She quickly gets bandages and wraps up my knee." Let's start with your past." It was more of a statement then a question. " OK umm. I have three so called brothers who treat me like crap. They always make fun of me and abuse me for no reason! They always blame me for messing things up and being stupid and absent minded! One day I lost it! I ran out and went outside.( p.s this might be different from his real becoming but who cares right? My story not yours!) All of a sudden Foot ninja attacked me! When I was finished beating the crap out them I saw a note it said ' they don't care for you! They think you are stupid and weak!! Well, they are right!!' I lost it right then. " Mikey! Get your stupid shell back in the lair!!" Raph, my older brother yelled....." I was cut off by Emily, " Your real name is Mikey??"

Emily POV
" Yeah, but call me Midnight." He said." OK continue"
"Umm where was I ?? Oh yeah, I was so caught up in anger that I didn't notice I had the blade out of my nunchucks. " No! I won't go with you Raph!!!" I laugh, which I guess was super creepy, because he looked scared yet confused. I ran at him taking this chance and stab his right, I think, leg. I am now a killer turtle, that's what Raph calls me. I left hoping that they won't follow, but guess who comes?? Leo the oldest feeling abusive brother!!!! He talks to me trying to ' snap' me out of something, but to cut this short, I cut him in his left eye with ( what are those weapons he used? It attaches to his knuckles and has blades at the end. Sorta like Wolverine but shorter!) /the weapon name here/. I could tell that would leave a mark! I just hurt them with out a second thought! That's when I met you, Emily." When he was finished I had tears in my eyes. I wanted to kill his brothers for hurting him!! Wait I thought he said he had three brothers?? I am not going to ask thou. ". Hey, don't cry its there fault for hurting me not yours.!." I look at him and say, " well I guess its my turn..."

So how do you like my little Midnight back story?? Trust me I haven't read or seen the comic in forever so....... I forgot his back story so I tried to remember bits and pieces then filled the gaps with my imagineation!!! Thanks for reading and I will post Emily's back story next. Chapter!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

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