general POV
"Pha. Going somewhere"? Forth asked as he saw Phana all ready in his white tee with black jeans and jacket. He was kind of in hurry. Grabbing his bike keys he totally ignored Forth, who was sitting on the couch working on his laptop.
He stopped on his tracks, clenching his fists.
"Its Phana for you. I havent allowed you to call me Pha. And how many times i have told you, whatever i do, wherever i go, its none of your business. You may have bought the company, taking the highest bid to show off your wealth, but mind you Jaturapoom Jamorunhum, you cannot buy me. I am not one of the show pieces decorating your palace. So next time, dont mind my business. Yeah"? Phana turned to leave but his wrist was grabbed. He faced a smiling Forth.
Forth removed a fringe of hair almost stuck in his eyes, fixed his jacket before looking into his eyes.
"Phana baby. I never took you as a piece of decoration. Or something that i bought. Because honestly baby, no piece of money can ever buy my Phana Kongthanin Jamorunhum. You are so expensive baby. And yes i have all the rights to meddle in your business because you are my lawfully wedded husband. Even if we want it this way or not, still we are married baby. This is something i cant do anything about. But yes, i love taking care of you, i love being concerned about you. Because i love you Phana". He was looking at him warmly.
Only if Phana's heart wasnt stone cold. He stubbornly shook himself off his grip. No matter what Forth was telling truth. Still. He doesnt want to believe it or admit it.
"Whatever. If you want to poke your nose in my matters, welcome to hell". With that he pushed him away a bit and left their home.
Forth heard his sports bike coming to life before the sound fade away. Forth sighed before messaging his men to take care of his husband who would be wasted in alcohol soon. He knew Phana has gone to pick Wayo and then crash the bar till late. Not that he ever stopped him, but there was a little hole in his chest that burnt always when Phana left him for his ex.
It was 1 in the night and Forth was still waiting for his men to inform him about Phana, when he finally got a location from one of his men. He grabbed his keys and fled off. The bar was a top notch in the area, not much far away. He entered the bar and saw one of the bodyguards nodding his head in Phana's direction who was clearly wasted drunk. Alone. His brows frowned a bit. Wasnt Phana with Wayo? Where was he?
He looked around only to find the famous shorty making out with his NOW BOYFRIEND. He clucked his tongue in disapproval. It was the reason he always forbade Phana to date Wayo because he caught him lot many times before, but Phana didnt believe him ever. So this time Forth made sure to shoot the video to show it to his husband when he will be sober.
Not even bothering to spare a glance towards Wayo, he picked Phana in his arms and left the bar. He was worried and upset but mostly in pain. He loved him. A lot. Since beginning. But today, he wasnt even his friend.
Forth POV
"Forth. The staff has asked the previous Moon of the campus to help with the nongs". Pha came in the engineering cafeteria and sat down with a huff beside me.
"So whats the matter"? I racked his hair as he placed his head on my shoulder. I was sitting with my freinds about some Hazing activity. And they knew now i cant focus on anything but Phana. He is my friend since long. And may be, just may be i love him too. But i never told him. I dont want to lose my friend. So i buried my feelings deep with in me.

Falling for my Enemy
FanfictionWhen you realise you have feelings more than friends for a specific friend and you know you cannot do anything. ForthPha my first ever crack pair love. I dont care they are Alpha Alpha. But since i am more into Alpha Alpha pairs so yes its my love...