𝙘𝙝. 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚 - 𝙜𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙚

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"Wait, let me get this straight — you think Billy is actually a suspect?" Randy asked as he drove himself and Sybil to the hospital — it was lunchtime but honestly neither of them cared if they were skipping, there were more dire things at hand. "I do, I know that sounds crazy but... when I looked him in the eye... he was different — it was like he was like Norman Bates switching to mother and getting the animalistic look in his eye." Sybil sighed, "If he's the killer, we both need to be careful — we all do." Randy nodded at her words, "He's officially a suspect."


Sybil felt all the emotions coming back when her and Randy walked into the hospital room. Daniel was awake now — hair non-gelled, eyeliner smudged, completely sober — "Hi." Sybil said as she walked over to her brother, hugging him as he croaked a greeting back. "How are you? Have they been good to you? Can you leave today?" Daniel couldn't help but chuckle, "I'm okay, kinda sore. The doctors have been checking up on me and they did say I could be discharged whenever I was ready." Sybil smiled, "That's great — you're getting discharged right now then." Daniel's eyes widened in confusion, Randy furrowed his brows, "We're taking him right now?" Sybil nodded as she grabbed a wheelchair. "Come on. Randy help me." Sybil ordered as she pulled the covers back.

Daniel shrugged and began pulling out the tubes in his arms that monitored his heartbeat — it flat lined as Randy helped him into the chair. "Let's go, go, go!" Sybil exclaimed and ran as she pushed Daniel in the chair — Randy holding the door open before running after them. The three got to the car and put Daniel in the backseat, abandoning the wheelchair, Randy and Sybil got in the driver and passenger seats. As Randy sped away, a few nurses ran out of the hospital and yelled after them.


The three were all out of breath. Randy's speeding had gone back to the speed limit while Sybil looked back at her brother, "Are you okay? We didn't pop any stitches or anything, right?" Daniel huffed a quiet laugh at his sister's words before he smiled, "I'm okay, I promise." His eyes glanced over to Randy as he continued. "Randy 'the geek' Meeks, right here in the flesh. When did you grow a pair of balls?" He teased making Sybil shake her head — of course Daniel would still bully Randy even after the teen helped him out of the hospital. "Oh, ha-ha. I'm dying of laughter here." Randy responded sarcastically making Daniel smirk — as if he was proud of him for standing up for himself.

Sybil giggled, which she covered up by coughing. "Well, is anyone gonna tell me what in the actual fuck is happening in Woodsboro?" Daniel asked with a sigh which resulted in Sybil and Randy talking over each other before Daniel held a hand up — signaling for them to stop talking. "One at a time porfavor." Sybil looked at Randy, "You can explain first." Randy shook his head, "Nah, you know more, you explain." The two kept going back and forth before Daniel once again shut them up, "Just explain, one person, right now." Randy motioned to Sybil and she sighed . "Me and Randy have been speculating on who could be the person that attacked us, killed Casey Becker and her boyfriend, and who attacked Sid too." Daniel nodded, "And?"

"We think it's Billy Loomis. For now at least." Randy continued making Daniel nod, "Uh huh... and who's Billy Loomis?" Sybil answered swiftly, "Sidney's boyfriend of a few months." Daniel nodded — still slightly confused, "Why would he attack his own girlfriend?" He questioned making Randy and Sybil look at each other with concerned glances. "That's what we're trying to figure out too, Randy's smarter than me at this stuff — but it has to be Billy, he has to know what's going on at least... or he's just crazy."


Dewey had ended up finding out about the little mission Randy and Sybil pulled which ended up in them getting off with warnings and Daniel having to sign papers to discharge himself. The two siblings had gone back to their home. It was the same as they had left it — and Sybil knew that if their parents were still alive, they would go crazy over the dried blood that had soaked into the carpet. Dewey was nice enough to get cops to stay as security outside the house. Sybil was tired at this point — Daniel was safe in his room and Sybil just hoped that both of them would be able to sleep through the night.


Laying on her bed, Sybil watched a horror movie on her television. Her eyes falling shut every now and then before she heard a knock on her window. Jumping at the sound she looked and saw Randy — the last person she expected to see outside her window this late. Sighing a breath of relief to know that she wasn't about to get murdered — she opened the window before whispering.

"Jeez Randy, what the hell are you doing here?" Randy looked at the girl — his crush since he could remember — and then looked at the television. "Just wanted to make sure you were okay, we couldn't really talk when y'know, the cops came." He said with a nervous chuckle as he noticed that Sybil was only wearing a baggy shirt — one that he had gifted her on her birthday last year — and short shorts. Sybil sat on the bed and patted the spot next to her, inviting the boy to take a seat.

Taking the spot hesitantly, Randy asked, "What movie are you watchin'?" Sybil shrugged, "It's just some b-movie I picked up from the store a while ago." Randy nodded as he recognized the movie instantly — of course he would — but decided to not shove his movie trivia in Sybil's face and to just enjoy the moment while it lasted. "You wanna know something Randy?" The brunette asked him. Randy looked at her like a puppy would at a treat, "Yeah..." He responded quickly.

"If my brother catches you in here, he'll kill you.... even if he's injured." She joked. Randy licked his lips as he spoke, "I'll take that chance." The next few moments went by in slow motion, Randy's hand went up to Sybil's cheek and pulled her close — his lips crashing against hers — Sybil gasped in surprise, but didn't mind it — in fact she had been waiting to be kissed by Randy ever since they danced at their middle school homecoming. She brought her hands up to Randy's chest, running her hands down to the bottom of his shirt. Randy pulled away slightly, "Are you sure?" He asked — looking between Sybil's eyes and lips with admiration — licking her lips with a smile, Sybil nodded in confirmation. "Who knew you'd make me break the first rule of horror movies." Turning the volume up on the television, the two pretended that they weren't getting chased after a masked killer that night.



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