𝙘𝙝. 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 - 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮

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Since school was now off and everyone was now on an impromptu fall break — Principal Himbry was left alone in his office. Sitting at his desk, he looked at the masks that he had confiscated from the two pranksters from earlier. He picked one of them up as he snickered, "Damn." He stands with the mask in his grip and moves over to the closet next to the office door before opening it — a mirror hanging inside. He pulls the mask on, laughing slightly before a knock on the door distracts him. Ripping the mask off, he quickly opens the door only to see no one. "Yes? Hello?" He calls but no answer. He narrows his eyes in suspicion as he closes the door. He looks back at the mirror then at the mask, he's on edge.

Another knock makes his open the door quickly — determined to catch the perpetrator — there's no one there again. He steps into the outer office, looking for any teens looking to wreak havoc. It's completely empty though, he walks through the corridor and the only person he sees is a janitor, he nods at him, "Sorry." Is all he says before walking back to his office, "Little shits." He mumbles as he closes his door. He moves back to his desk before realizing that his closet door was now shut, he shifts uneasy — unsure on if he has left it open or closed. He moves towards it, reaching for the door knob before pulling it open to reveal an empty closet. Shaking away his jitters, he closes the door and moves back to his desk before he feels a knife enter his stomach. He screams as the masked killer stabs him two more times before he collapses — gasping as he slowly dies, watching as the masked killer looks down at him, waiting patiently for his life to leave his body.


The girls — plus Randy — all walk through the grocery store. Tatum pushes the cart as she grabs various bags of chips, Randy grabbing candy whenever she's not looking. Sidney keeps to herself which makes Sybil quirk her brows, "Sid?" She says in a quiet tone — so that the others wouldn't hear — Sidney looks over at her, trying to smile, "Yeah?" Sybil sighs, "How're you feeling, truly?" The question makes Sidney fidget with her watch, "Not so great, everything's just been like a... scary movie... just, stuff being brought up about my mom and Billy and even Cotton... I'm just, trying to figure it out." Sybil nodded at her words — she wrapped an arm around the girls shoulders, "Well, if you ever need someone to talk that'll understand what you're going through... you can talk me." Sidney smiled, a genuine one for the first time in a while.

"What type of popcorn do we buy?" Randy questioned the two as he stood a few ways away — the two brunettes laughed at the abruptness of the sudden question. "Buy all of them." Sybil answered as Tatum looked at her, "Who's paying for this? 'Cause I know it's not gonna be me." Sybil answered quickly, "Randy'll pay." The gasp was loud enough for Sybil to hear and she laughed as Randy playfully pushed her shoulder, "Don't worry, I'll pitch in with the money I have." She reassured making Randy look even more offended, "If you do that I won't let you have an employee discount anymore." Sybil quirked her brow, "Says who?" Randy got nose to nose with her, "Says me." Tatum's gag made the two look at her, "Can you guys stop your nerd flirting and help get the rest of the snacks? The party starts in an hour and we can't be late."


After buying almost the whole section of snacks — and after Randy and Sybil picked out tapes from the store — the party had started. There was beer and drugs, which Randy happily participated in while watching a horror movie with a group of other teens in Stu's living room. Meanwhile, Sybil stayed in the kitchen, filling red solo cups full of beer. Stu and his friends were behind her, drinking beer through a funnel. Parties weren't Sybil's thing, but if her friends were gonna be here then she was going to come along. "Caterer's here!" Tatum called as she walked into the house with Sidney following — they had shown up a few minutes after Sybil and Randy as they rode separately. Tatum looked over at what Stu was doing and rolled her eyes, "That's mature." Stu stood up and licked the beer of his lips. He wrapped one are around Tatum's waist before wrapping the other around Sybil's shoulders.

"Where you guys been? We had to start without you." He hugged Sybil closely, "Even Sybil's joined in." The brunette scoffed, "I've been pouring drinks this whole time, I've been completely sober meanwhile you've drank like... five beers already." Stu stuck his tongue out at he before looked at Tatum, "Thank you for the snacks babe." He gives her a kiss — full of tongue — before he helped the girls get the snacks out the the bags and onto his counter. Stu places a bag of popcorn into the microwave and as it pops, he and the girls move about the kitchen, giving the fellow party goers beer and snacks. Randy appears — clearly high — he holds an armful of tapes. "I thought we make it a blockbuster night." He splatters the videos across the kitchen counter — Stu and Tatum dive in. "Thought everything was checked out." Stu says but Randy shakes his head. "I hid 'em in the foreign section."

Sidney looks over the tapes as Sybil shakes her head — they were all with Randy's favorite scream queen. "The Fog, Terror Train, Prom Night — how come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all these movies?" Sidney asks and Randi answers, "She's the scream queen." Stu grins, "With that set of lungs she should be." Tatum rolls her eyes as she points to one of the covers, she speaks to Sidney, "Tits. See?"


The party is going strong. There's almost a crowd in every room of the house — Randy is taking a vote in the living room, "How many Evil Dead's?" Hands go up. "How many Hellraiser's?" Hands go up again including Sybil's. The doorbell suddenly rings and Stu goes to answer it, "I got it. Tatum, get me a beer. They're in the fridge in the garage." He says before getting up and walking over the back of the couch. Tatum furrows her brows. "What am I? The beer wench?" As she goes to get up — Stu calls through the house, "Hey, guess who's here? It's that chick from Inside Story!" The partygoers look to see Dewey and Gale. "Shit, Dewey!" Tatum dashes over. Everyone is eyeing up Gale, "What is she doing here?" Tatum asks her brother. "She's with me. I just wanted to check on things." Dewey answers and Tatum puts a hand on her hip, "So you did. Now leave, and take your media muff with you."



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