𝙘𝙝. 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 - 𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠

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Tatum takes off to the kitchen — looking for Sidney — making Gale become the eye of the party. "I watch your show regularly." A teen says to her. "This must be big news to be on Inside Story." Stu says, sidling up to the older woman. She smiles at him, "Huge." Her and Dewey walk into the living room — Stu following. Another teen speaks up, "Wanna interview us?" Randy holds up a hand, "We could be like some grief stricken students and we'll say really nice things about our good friends who were slaughtered senselessly." Sybil throws a pillow from the couch at him. Stu looks at Gale, "I can cry on cue." Gale eyes the bookshelf that the television sits on. She looks at Stu, "Maybe later?" Suddenly, she begins to cough. "Can I trouble you for some water?" She asks Stu and he nods, "How 'bout a beer? Sybil, get the lady a beer." Sybil sighs exaggeratedly — "Sure, I'll get her a water." As the two have this conversation, Gale slips a camera from her bag onto the shelf before hitting the on switch.

Tatum walks back into the living room, Stu grabs her arm and pulls her to him, "How 'bout that beer?" He questions and she scoffs. "Okay fine, I'll be the beer wench." Stu gives her a kiss before he watches as she walks to the laundry room — disappearing as the door closes behind her.


Tatum walks down the wooden stairs into the garage. Her hand trails the wall to try and find a light switch — she presses a button which makes the garage door rise — she hits it again and it closes. She finds another button and a small light turns on. Tatum spots the small fridge holding the beer — grabbing multiple beers, as many as she could hold, Tatum closed the fridge with her foot. As she begins to walk back up the stairs, a sound startles her, she turns quickly — she sees a black cat walk through the doggy door built into the garage door. She smiles at her jumpiness, she turns back around and walks up the stairs. Grabbing the door handle while trying not to drop the beer, she goes to open the door but it doesn't budge, "Shit." She pushes harder, kicking it with her foot, "Hey shitheads!" She calls but there's no answer. "Shit! Piss!" She exclaims as she tries to open the door. Walking back down the stairs, Tatum presses the garage door button but as it starts moving up, it resets. "What the..?"

She turns and comes face to face with someone in a mask. A gloved hand on the garage door switch. Tatum gasps before relaxing, "Is that you Randy? Cute." The figure stares at her blankly, "What is this from? I spit on your garage." Tatum goes to walk around the figure — "Lose the mask, if Sidney or Sybil see it, they'll flip." The figure shakes their head as they step in front of Tatum, she tilts her head. "Oh, you wanna play psycho killer?" The figure slowly nods. "Can I be the helpless victim?" The figure slowly nods again. "Okay let's see, "Please don't kill me Mr. Ghostface, I want to be in the sequel."" Tatum laughs before she goes to walk around the figure, but they block her. "Cut, Casper. That's a wrap." She sidesteps the figure but they're faster than her. Juggling the beer in one hand, Tatum shoves the figure aside hard, "Randy, will you stop?" She goes to walk away but the figure lunges and grabs her wrist. Beer bottles fall and crash to the ground.

"You little shit." Tatum exclaims until — a knife is placed to her arm and the figure slits a cut as Tatum cries. She pulls away, horrified, the figure advances on her. Tatum staggers backwards to the fridge, screaming, "Who are you?" The figure lashes out at her with the knife but Tatum dodges it — leaping back against the fridge. The figure advances and Tatum instinctively rips the top freer door open, bashing the figure in the face, sending them backwards. Tatum bolts to the closed garage door and begins to bang on it and try to lift it in a panic. She eyes the figure as they begin to recover. In the moment, Tatum tries to go to the doggy door. Her head, arm, and torso are the only things that are through the door. She tries to move the rest of her body but suddenly she's being pulled back — she screams before kicking hard, making direct contact with the figures head. Tatum continues to try and pull herself forward until the sound of the garage door being activated makes her scream. She's stuck. Tatum's arms and legs flail violently — she looks up and sees where the garage door rolls backwards — it's too late, as she hits her neck on the first beam, it snaps, killing her instantly. The figure slips back out into the party.


It starts to get late and kids begin leaving — Sidney holds the door open as they all pile out, some saying goodbye to her. "Hey Sid." Sybil says as she walks over to her, "Have you seen Tatum? I haven't seen her since Dewey and Gale were here." Sidney thinks about it and shakes her head — "Maybe she left...?" It's more of a question than an answer. Suddenly, Billy appears, scaring both the girls. "Billy? Jesus, you scared me." Sidney chuckles uneasily. Stu appears right after. "Dude, what're you doing here?" He asks Billy with a wink. "I was hoping Sid and I could talk." Sidney shakes her head, "If Tatum sees you, she'll draw blood." Sybil smiles, "I already feel like doing that." Billy ignores Sybil. "You guys can go up to my parents room? To talk and... whatever." Stu says with a grin, "Subtlety Stu, look it up." Billy says to his friend but Sidney touches his arm, "It's okay, we need to talk." Sid grabs his hand and leads him up the staircase. Randy appears from the kitchen just in time to see the two go up the stairs. "What's leatherface doing here?" Randy asks the two and Stu places an arm around Sybil's shoulders, "He came to make up." He sticks his tongue out making Randy grimace.

Sybil pushes away from Stu and walks over to Randy, "What movie are you playing?" She grabs his hand. "Halloween." Randy answers and Sybil smiles, "Let's go watch it, wouldn't want to miss a movie you've watched multiple times." The two bicker as they walk back to the living room — Stu feels like he could kill Randy, but he just grabs a beer bottle and follows after them.


A few minutes later, a group of teens — including Stu, Sybil, and Randy — watch Halloween, as well as adding their own commentary. "How can you watch this shit over and over?" A bored teen asks and Randy shushes them. "I wanna see Jamie Lee's breasts. When do we see Jamie Lee's breasts?" Stu asks and Sybil can't help but nudge him. "Not until Trading Places in '83. Jamie Lee was always the virgin in horror movies. She didn't show her tits until she went legit." People — mostly guys — protest. "That's the way she lived. Only virgins can outsmart the killer in the end. Don't you know the rules?" Randy announced and Sybil can't help but roll her eyes. Stu finishes his beer, "What rules?" Sybil sighs, "Here he goes." Randy hits the pause button and stands in front of the television. "There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie." Randy holds his beer. "For instance one," he hesitates, "you can never have sex." Everyone boos him.

Sybil throws popcorn as she boos and Randy catches her eye, this doesn't go unnoticed by Stu. "The minute you get a little nookie — you're as good as gone. Sex always equals death. Two, never drink or do drugs. The sin factor. It's an extension of number one. And three, never, under any circumstances say — I'll be right back, because you won't be back." Stu gets up, "Want another beer?" He asks Randy and the teen nods, "Yeah sure." Stu pushes on the door leading to the garage, "I'll be right back!" He exclaims and everyone oohs. Randy points at him, "There he goes folks — a dead man. Wave bye-bye."



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