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Ch. 2

Lucy Pov.

I've never seen Erza so determined about something.

I'm really worried she might get herself into something terrible.

But I know Erza can handle herself after all she is the toughest woman in our guild.

I can't stop thinking about Jellal, and how beaten up he looked.

It's strange because Jellal isn't known for losing a fight.

Except for the time fairy tail took him down of course, but he has changed now so who could be after him?

· Levy: "Hey Lu Chan."

· Lucy: "Oh hi, Levy."

· Levy: "It something wrong?"

· Lucy: "I'm not sure yet, but I'm going to figure it out."

· Levy: "Great I'll help. I need to get Gajeel off my mind anyways."

· Lucy: "Owww you and Gajeel huh?"

· Levy: "AHH NO! We are just friends." Her cheeks turning rosy red.

I smiled at her knowing there was more going on with her and Gajeel.

Levy, and I set off to find some answers.

Erza seemed like she could use some help from friends with this one.

Nobody Pov.

Meanwhile, Erza went back to her home to check on Jellal.

She knew that he would be in good hands with Elfman, and Wendy there to help him.

· Erza: "How is he?"

· Wendy: "I'm doing my best, but I think he will be fine."

· Erza: "Good as long as he can make a recovery."

· Wendy: "I did as much as I could he should be fine now all he needs is a little rest."

· Erza: "Thank you both I think I can take it from here now."

· Elfman: "No problem Erza a real man helps when he is needed."

· Wendy: "Come on Elfman I think we should let Erza be alone."

Wendy, and Elfman left and went back to the guild hall to catch up with the others.

Erza walks over to Jellal's bed side, and puts a hand on his arm.

Erza Pov.

"Jellal what happened to you?" I feel so horrible for not being there for him.

For years he protected me, and now I could not be there for him.

He has had a horrible past, but people change, and I know he has changed.

"You look so peaceful sleeping." I smiled looking down at him.

I began to stroke his fluffy blue hair out of his face exposing his eyes.

I could see the bruises left under his left eye, and a scar on his neck.

"They must have beaten you up badly."

Elfman, and Wendy must have bandaged his arms, and torso up.

"I swear Jellal I will find who did this to you." I had tears in my eyes which was unlike me to cry, but I couldn't help it.

I started to get up from the bed. I felt a hand grab my wrist.

· Erza: "Jellal?" I dropped down to his side. "Are you okay?"

· Jellal: "Erza."

· Erza: "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

· Jellal: "I just need... You."

He winced in pain as he tried to sit up.

· Erza: "No, you're too sore to get up." I said while helping him slowly lay back down.

· Jellal: "Erza I may have been unconscious, but I heard everything."

· Erza: "Oh you did?"

· Jellal: "And I want you to know that I do not wish to seek revenge on the wizards that did this."

· Erza: "If that is what you wish then I shall respect that. I would just like for you to get some rest, you can stay here as long as you need."

· Jellal: "I am thankful for all of your help, but I really must be going."

· Erza: "No!... I mean please stay, at least until you are healed. You are in no condition to travel."

· Jellal: "Why do you care what happens to me?"

· Erza: "Despite your past I know that you would do the same for me Jellal."

· Jellal: "I find that hard to believe that this the only reason you would harbor me in your own home."

I had no words for what he said. Was he right?

Is there something else that is making me want to keep him here?

I looked into his deep blue eyes and saw so much pain within them.

The room is filled with silence now as we stare into each other eyes.

He reaches for my hand slowly, and I'm not sure if I should back away or move in closer?

My mind is telling me that this isn't right, but my body is saying something different.

I lean in close to his face so close that I can feel the rhythm of his breathing, and I can smell his sweet scent.

My heart begins to beat fast a feeling I have never felt before... but I like this new feeling.

He pulls me in closer as I close my eyes, and then it happens.

We begin to kiss, my heart is racing now, and I can't seem to control the different emotions going on inside of me!

His lips pressed against mines. They feel so smooth, and gentle that I want to feel more of him.

His hands are stroking my red scarlet hair now as I caress the upper parts of his back.

I swirl through every muscle, and they feel hard as a rock.

He press his tongue against my lips asking for entrance. I let him in.

Now are tongues begin to move in sync with one another.

It was all so overwhelming, and it felt so great that I wanted more.

· Erza: "Jellal wait."

· Jellal: "Is something wrong?"

· Erza: "We can't..."

· Jellal: "Yes, I understand, I do apologize." He looks down at his hands.

· Erza: "I should go get you something to eat for the time being, I shall return."

He nods his head in agreement.

I walk out of the front door as I close it I turn and my back is now against the door.

I slump down and bury my face into my knees. So much pain was running through my body.

God what am I doing? I can't get caught up like this.

I need to stay strong!

I feel a tear run down my face.

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