Levy's Date (Side Story)

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Ch.8 (Side story)


Levy Pov.

·        Levy: "Lu chan I'm never going to be able to get this right!" I moaned

·        Lucy: "Will you stop your whining Gajeel will be here very soon."

·        Levy: "No I'm not going I'm not ready!" I panicked.

I felt the biggest sting from a slap come across my face.

I looked up at Lucy and was astonished that she had hit me, but also kind of glad that she did.

·        Levy: "Thanks I think I needed that." I said sheepishly.

·        Lucy: "Now calm down your going to be great. Your first date I'm so excited!"

·        Happy: "Too bad you can't get a date Lucy."


·        Natsu: "I hope you don't mind but we decided to come crash at your place."

·        Lucy: "Oh sure no make yourself at home." She rolled her eyes.

·        Happy: "We didn't want you to be lonely while Levy was gone."

·        Lucy: "I really rather sit alone than hang with you two meat heads." Her faced burned with anger.

I tuned them out lost in my own thoughts.

I couldn't believe Gajeel asked me out on a date.

He doesn't seem like the type to go on dates anyways, and I can't help but to freak out.

Why must he make me so nervous? Maybe everyone was right?

What if I am in love with him? Will he love me back?

Is it too earlier to think about love?

My thoughts were going way too far. I shook them off.

·        Levy: "Hey Lucy, you seem like you have your hands full I'm just going to head home."

·        Lucy: "What about your date?"

·        Levy: "Maybe some..."

My sentence was interrupted by a knock on Lucy's front door.

·        Lucy: "Ughh who is it now? Gray that better not be you or I swear I'm going to..." She opened the front door. Her face surprised.

·        Lucy: "Oh hi Gajeel."

·        Gajeel: "Have you seen that small fry Levy?"

·        Lucy: "She's right in here." She pointed towards me.

I could feel my face turning pink.

I looked down at my shoes unaware of what to say.

·        Gajeel: "Hey." He smiled at me.

That smile, and that hair and oh how it makes me weak!

·        Levy: "H-hhi." I waved still not looking him in the eyes.

·        Gajeel: "Ready to go?"

My mouth wouldn't let me form words, and I looked at Lucy for help.

·        Lucy: "Of course she is!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.

·        Lucy: "Now you two have fun bye bye now." She pushed us both out slamming the door behind us.

I could kill Lucy, but in a way I feel like she helped me.

 I could barely get my legs to move forward as we started towards the path way.

·        Gajeel: "Can I admit something to you?"

Well I must admit he startled me with his question.

·        Levy: "Oh um s-sure."

·        Gajeel: "... I was extremely nervous asking you on this date, and I'm nervous now."

·        Levy: "Really?" I finally looked up at him.

·        Gajeel: "Well yeah, I haven't really been on many dates."

·        Levy: "Well if it makes you feel any better, me either." I laughed.

He looked down at me and smiled.

And suddenly my heart felt as ease.

He put his hand in mines. My whole world felt like it had just came to life.

For the rest of the evening we talked, laughed, and shared wonderful foods.

He told me things I never knew before, and I shared with him some of my passions.

The night was coming to an end which made me sad.

I never wanted this night to end I wanted time to freeze and we could stay like this forever.

·        Gajeel: "I had fun little one."

·        Levy: "Why do you call me little?" I frowned my face at him.

·        Gajeel: "Because you're a little girl with a big heart."

My face softened, and I was lost for words... again.

He leaned down, and kissed me on my forehead.

I hadn't even noticed that we were on my front steps.

·        Gajeel: "See you around short stuff." He gave me a slight smirk.

I watched as he walked away with his hands in his pocket, and his long black hair swinging behind him.

This will truly be a night that I will never forget.

I don't usually put up notes, but just so everyone is aware is just a side story. I thought it would be nice to add something else in the story instead of just focusing on Erza, and Jellal. I hope you like it. If not then I'm apologize to your eyes.

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