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Ch. 11

Lucy Pov.

Where the heck could Gray be?

It's usually not hard to find him since he's always around with his shirt off somewhere.

Of course why didn't I think of that before!

If I can find Juvia I can find Gray she always knows where he is.

After twenty minutes of looking for Juvia I finally found her in the park.

But what Surprised me even more was that Gray was sitting right here with her!!!

·        Lucy: "Gray?"

·        Gray: "Oh, Hi Lucy."

·        Lucy: "I didn't expect to see you here... with Juvia." I gave them an awkward smile.

·        Juvia: "Gray soma, and Juvia have been spending time together."

·        Lucy: "That's great." I said sarcastically dragging my words out.

·        Lucy: "So Gray could I ask you something?"

·        Gray: "Sure what's up Lucy?"

·        Lucy: "I know that you, and Erza are close did she by any chance say something was wrong with her."

·        Gray: "... Um no why do you ask?"

·        Lucy: "Haven't you noticed her strange behavior?"

·        Gray: "I think Erza just needs her space right now."

·        Lucy: "Gray I know that you know I just want to help her."

·        Gray: "Lucy just drop it okay! Why do you care?"

I was shocked, and a little hurt by his tone of voice.

·        Lucy: "You of all people should know that you do whatever you can to help your friends in need."

·        Juvia: "Maybe you should go now Lucy."

·        Lucy: "Forget it I'll do everything myself. Thanks for all your help Gray."

I got up from the park bench, and walked off.

I was so angry how could he just brush it off like that.

He knows something, and he's hiding it too.

Erza Pov.

Why is Lucy following me around?

I just want to be left alone right now.

It's been a whole month since Jellal left, and I don't think I'm over it one bit.

I guess maybe I should get back into my old life.

I haven't felt like myself since he left, and I can tell the others are worried about me.

I suppose it's time to leave my house, and socialize with the rest of the guild.

I decided to shower, and get dressed.

The first person I see in the hall is Natsu. I decided to sit with him.

·        Natsu: "Hey Erza I haven't seen you around."

·        Erza: "Hey guys, I've just been real busy."

·        Natsu: "Busy is right, you hardly ever come around."

Already I was feeling ashamed.

·        Erza: "I think I just needed some time to myself... Excuse me while I go to the pub."

I knew he could tell that I was lying, but I don't think I am ready to face everyone again.

It was a mistake coming out in the first place. I wasn't ready to open up.

I quickly tried to make an escape for the door, but I wasn't quick enough.

Of course Lucy would be the one to catch me.

·        Erza: "Excuse me."

·        Lucy: "Erza can I talk to you?"

·        Erza: "Um really Lucy right now isn't a good time." I gave her a sheepish smile to the best of my ability.

·        Lucy: "When is a good time to talk to you?"

·        Erza: "I'm not really sure. Now if you would excuse me I'm late for something really important." That is night clothes, and my bed.

·        Lucy: "Okay I'll just stop by later."

·        Erza: "NO!... I mean you can't I'm just super busy today maybe some other time okay?"

·        Lucy: "... Oh um okay sure." She stared at me with a blank face.

I shoved passed her, and the crowd of people to make my way out the two front doors.

Finally I made it home without being stopped in another annoying attempt to "save me."

I was wrong to go out.

I thought that I could get over it, but that wasn't enough for me.

I know it sounds really cheesy and crazy, but its 100% positive that I miss Jellal.

After on 20 minutes of being at home I heard a knock on my door.

·        Erza: Ugh Lucy would you please just "Leave me alone!" I blurted that last part out without thinking.

But to my surprise it wasn't Lucy it was Juvia.

Which is really weird, and strange because Juvia never comes to my house, and I don't even thinks she likes me.

I opened the door all the way to fully see her.

She was crying. Tears streaming down her face.

Standing there in shook with my mouth parted open I froze.

I didn't know what to say or do, so I waited for her to speak first.

·        Juvia: "Juvia here to talk to Erza."

·        Erza: "Are you okay?"

·        Juvia: "Why does Erza think it's okay to hurt my beloved feelings." Her tears turned into steam.

Juvia started pushing at my shoulder with her index finger, shoving me backwards.

·        Erza: "What the hell are you talking about?"

·        Juvia: "Stay away from my Gray!"

She turned around dramatically and stormed off.

I have no idea what Juvia is talking about, but that girl is nuts.

The old Erza would have tried to figure out why she did all of this.

The old Erza would have gotten mad at her pushing, and shoving me.

The new Erza didn't care too much for the whole situation.

Even though I know that it should bother me it just doesn't.

I had accepted the fact that I had changed now.

I just didn't know if it was a good or bad change.

Hey guys :)
It's your friend you know the one that's in love with Fairy Tail?
Yes? No?
Never mind!
Anyways I know it's been a very long time since I've posted.
But bare with me, and I hope you guys are keeping up with my story I really appreciate all the support.
Believe me when I say I have major writers block.
So keep checking it out m keep updating, and share this story with some friends or anyone for that matter!
Bye guys I love you all! :-*

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