chapter 1

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lily maby we shodent get out of the dorms. come on lets go get the others and stop worrying arora we'll be fine. but rules are thar for a reason. yeah the only because tots so late at night and we won't do eny thing stupid. so come on all wer doing is looking at the adorable night class students!!!! dont u want to see honabusa, i dont know why you allways likes the simple ones and popular ones, jesh. im going if your coming or not. fine, I'll go, but dont say i didn't worn you. we go over to the dorm across ares. Knock, knock. linor opens the door quietly. ema's sound a sleep she side as she came out. Then wake her up lily says. No linor says rather abruptly but still whispering. She had trouble sleeping yesterday and and didn't wanna go in the first place. Alright. then lets go. we sneak past the gates in to the forest. then we hear Someone coming. we all skater to hide but linor cut her leg and lily stays in the open to help her. i stay ferfuly in a tree whare a little hole in a tree that's hidden by leaves. i wach through the leaves. i see yuki panaking over linors cut. why is she panicking. it just a cut. all of asuden she throw a stick in the air, caches it and it grows longer. she then yells whos there. oh no she know I'm here. but suddenly Hanabusa and Akatsuki come out and hanabusa grabs her stick. it semes to shock him. but he ignores the pain. lily and linore freaks out Hanabusa is really here. Honestly I would be to if I wasn't so scared.He says some werd thing about blood. he told someone that smelled nice. Who's he talking about. I feel jealousy rising up inside me. yuki dosent even care. lily and linore freks out again he told us we smell nice. he grabs yuki tightly in tell she let go of the stick he side something about blod and smel he-h-he opens his mouth to reveal f-fangs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lily and linora freked out in horror this time yuki remained calm telling home to let go. He then went for neck. I then realize Lily and Linore had already fanted. Then zero comes in and pulls out a gun. he says something about breaking the rules. yuki start panaking he sise something to anoy zero and zero points a gun at himm omg is he insane even if he is a vampire he should not shot him but dosent zero know that omg thank you yuki she pushes him away right as he pulled the trigger because of that he missed and hit a tree she yels at him for shoting thin Kaname comes in and tells zero to put the gun away and says something frating to us what Kaname a vanpire to he says something about the head master it seems to be drama i don't under stand and kanama comes and put a perpul light over lily and linire and take thim some ware i followed them to make sure thay don't do anything bad to them what did thay something about memorys i cutinued following . relizing he was heding to the dorms, i ran as fast as i could to my dorm window, i all ways secrtly leve it opnen for emergencies like this so, i clmbed the tree closesis to my window, jumped from the tree to the opend window, amost fell but made it barly. closed the Window and pretend to slep. The girl came in caring lily and crfuly tuked her in and left.

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