chapeter 4

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I woke up with dryed ters all over my face. so i washed my face and came to help out with the vanpires. we went to the gate i told my friends that we shold help yuki out. by not joining the crazy mob arara. why ema askced. i cant tell u why. why cant u tell us why. cause 2 night lily and linor fanted lost your memory. arora it was a got cut becuse of your cut on your left leg. ok so maby it wasent a dream, why did we just sudenly lost are memory. answers lead to more questions. i reply and run arond making sher no one had eny vanpire problems. i go to class wrorn out and fell a slep.

I starded hearing someone talking. thay side i know and thats not why i cant be whith you. its because the why you treded y... relizing that she was aslep righ above my set and what she was talking abut. i qwikly woke her up. lukly only me yuki, zero, my best friend and the 2 girls arond her cold here her. she looked at me whith fear whin she woke up. do you know about the night class stunteds i ask her. she freks out and answer what you mean know about what. what is ther to know about. know what what is ther to know about. what are you taking about. you know don't you. she comed down a little bit and side i rilly don't know what's going on. so can you tell me. what is going on. Shes good so i go back to my set im gana keep in eye on her i though. i wached all day relizing she was waching me and zero. (im sorry if you find random letters my cat was laying on the keyboard i think i delede thim all but i don't know for sher) so i wint to her do you know. know... oh are you talking abot that agan. i dont know what you mean about all the non sise of nigh class students the only thing i know is ther cuit. thin why are you following me and zero i reply and thin i git my answer. because im making sher you arnt hert by eny van... OH so you do know. what fans can be rilly dedly. i ones amost got ran over by a fan. ther wer in a van. trying to git to the van hu night class students. you know dont you.
why is yuki asking this. what is ther to know what about the night class students that starts with van. thers more. yes. i know about the night class students. but i don't quite understand. you got biten so why are you still human. because all those tails about thims are myth. inless i start craving blod. what night class stunteds, biten, myth, blod and what starts whith van. the the night class students are vanpires. so are you gana git the vanpire to arase my memorys. like my friends. oh are youer frinds the ones who fanted after honabusa amost bit me. yes. yes thay are. now please don't think of thim that way. to late. what. ther reputation. more worried about lily and linore reputation thin ther life. i scream.

I here a screm in the corner. relizing someone was listening to are confersashen. i go over and find ema!!!! Ema what are you doing. here i just wanted to find out what going on and find out that the nigh class students are vanpires!!!!!!!!! So are you gana erase are memorys. like the others. no you knowen for to long it wold be supishis if your memroy just sudly went away from the past cuple days and you just fond out so sarry she side to ema. whattt. i want to know this stuf. can you just pretend this never happened jujing by the you acted your not gana do well if a crasy vanpire trys to git you ohh come on what did you giys act i was perfectly silent freking out in my head i scremed but only becuse the vanpire was tring to kill me oh so did you git your staff out and beat it to deaf no l was only 5 and i did not know what eny thing was at all its my vary first memory oh thin how did you servive Kaname she side looking at the ground hooooooo we side looking at her with excitement k lets go erase your memory what now no no no why relax your not gana die hay yuki please dont tell thim i know why not. Because if thay might not agree whith you and take my memorys eny way. Oh you dont havet to wery about that but ill do that eny way thanks wait ema i know ema well she wont tell yes but if evry one fond out and thay all promesed to not tell eny one the whole scool woled know and ther wold not be much point to previnting the day class students from knowing whold ther but you won't be able to ares all ther memroy well the vanpires proply can asides it cold hapen sloly and it also for het onn safty cant agru whith that sorry ema what why i will remember some day uhh yea yuki gave in akwerd smile PLESE vote and comet

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