chapeter 5

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i wake up i remuber last night. yuki fond out that i know. I here a knok waking lily up. I know it was ether linore, ema or... its yuky i here from the dore. i relise its the mitle of the night. ohh im so sarry. im late. I see lily cunfused. To go to see what going on at the head master offes i add on. I folw yuki. We hed out side she tels me if you see eny other stunteds a sides for me and zero plese let me know. K i reply. I hed out. i see rufling i qwikly hide in the bushes and peek out. Lukly its a day class student. I go to yuki. Shes talking to zero. Whil im hiding UNDER THE TARIS. i here zero leving and yuki walking a way to. I qwily grab yukis lag (forgiting her leg wasin't atached to the grond) Let my other hand slip off of the taris raling poling me and yuki through the taris raling if yuki hadint pull out her stiky thingymabob and held it petwen the raling hed both be dead. Unfortunately yuki yelped a bit having zero come out. I tell her day class students as i point to the asact pasishin i herd thim then qwikly jumped of to the nerist tree like i saw yuki doing wich was a rily bad idea i mised with my hands so i used one of my foot to hold on the branch and the other to hold the lag in pashin (amagen your hening from a tree branch except your not useing your nees only your feet on ether side of the tree) i posh my hands to the next tree branch. Now my feet are danling down in stad of my hands. I jump down (not much farther down) i look for the day class students could not find him eny ware. Ohhhhh next time its a trap i say to my self. i cuntinu looking for students. Then i see zero coming. i hide in a tree. But he ordy saw me. I her him asking ware he thenks i am hiding whats your name and i cold not qwit here but ohhh well. I snek by. Efter a whil of seching i sneek into my room. I plan and plan for next time how to make sher pepul stay ware thay are. After a while i go to bed. but as soon as i sit down on my bed i here a knok on my dore. lily tells them to come in, l throw a pelow at her. Then wen the persen opend the dore i throw all my other pellows at her then my shoes, then my books, pincle and extra. Pits must pe (it just me) yuki yels through the cluder of theings. I laughed at what she side. Well this isint the bathrom i say. go some ware elss and leve me to slep i say feling acomplished. she digs her sef out of the cluter throws one of the hard back cover at me. well tomorrow is Chocolate day. so wake up. Omg im rily gana need more plans ther gana be tons of people to night. 1 more hour. she drags me out the room ok ok im up i say as she spras water on me. Lets get redy.


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